Thursday, November 10, 2011

Job Posting

This could be the perfect job for someone living in Lac Le Jeune! Reposted from Overlander Ski Club website:
Overlander Ski Club is looking for one person to work part time at the ski trails. Evening and weekend shifts are likely. The duties may include some or all of the following depending on qualifications and experience: greeting the public, ticket sales, answering telephone or e-mail enquiries, updating the web page, providing sales and trail use reports, trail grooming using snowmobiles, trail maintenance using manual and power tools, renting ski equipment to the public, assisting volunteers working on the trails, responding to emergencies associated with trail operations, providing basic first aid treatment and performing other duties as required. Training will be provided. The job will begin when snow flies!

Please send resumes asap to the Overlander Ski Club at .
This Job Posting closes November 15th, 2011.

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