Friday, August 16, 2013


What: Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association Annual General Meeting

When: Sunday, September 1st at 1:00 p.m.

5865 Lac Le Jeune Road - at the top of the hill, it is the first driveway to the right just past Heron Road. Special thanks to Warren Trousdell for offering the use of his large, covered space!

Please bring your own chairs.


  1. Approval of AGM Minutes of August 18, 2012
  2. President's Report 
  3. Treasurer's Report
  4. TNRD Area J representative report:
    Ronaye Elliott (Ronaye indicated that she prefers to respond to questions rather than make a formal presentation.)
  5. RCMP Report: Cpl. Kathleen Thain
  6. Citizens on Patrol: representative from the Logan Lake COP group
  7. Lake Monitoring Report (purpose of monitoring, synthesis of findings to date, impact of beetle kill): Marg Sidney (Ministry of Environment)
  8. Invasive Species Sub-Committee: We are calling for volunteers to work on this sub-committee.
  9. Discussion Topic: From time to time, the executive of the LLJCA is approached by an outside agency (eg. RCMP) with a request to meet to provide input on issues that could potentially impact the neighbourhood. The mandate of the LLJCA is one of stewardship.

    Should we amend the constitution to allow the LLJCA executive to act on behalf of the community regarding issues of common interest or concern?
    Should a separate representative group be formed to address non-stewardship issues?
  10. Elections

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