Sunday, October 2, 2016

Neighbourhood moose

This cow moose and calf have been making the rounds around our LLJ neighbourhoods and hiking trails. These photos by Hana Struss are from this morning on Lookout Road. 

What do you do if you encounter this pair? Here are some moose safety tips from WildSafeBC

  • Never approach a moose. Give the animals a wide berth and ensure they always have an escape route. 
  • Female moose with calves need extra space. Moose cows are very protective of their young and may attack if they perceive a threat. If you come across a cow and calf, calmly leave the area immediately. 
  • Be aware of moose body language. A threatened moose may lower its head and flatten its ears before charging. If you see these behaviours, find an escape route. 
  • If a moose does charge you, getting inside a nearby building or car is the safest option, but hiding behind a large tree or other solid object may effectively block the charge. 
  • Dogs and moose don’t mix. A moose can seriously injure or kill a dog if it feels threatened. Likewise, loose dogs can harass moose, causing undue stress. Never let your dog out if there is a moose in your yard. 

1 comment:

Bev said...

Wonderful photos. I sure miss seeing all the wildlife, especially the moose families. All I see in town is the occasional deer , a few birds and I hear the coyotes often at night. Also remembering the lynx crossing my yard at 3:30 many winter afternoons.
Bev. Formerly of Pineridge Drive