Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Notice of Public Hearing

This Notice of Public Hearing and advisement of Land Use Contract Termination and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2585 was mailed to residents located within 100 metres of land that is directly affected by the proposed bylaw amendment.

The Public Hearing will take place on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 1:15pm at the TNRD Boardroom, 365 Victoria Street.

You may also make written submissions prior to January 18, 2017, 4:40pm.

Here is the background reading from . It includes the history of rezoning applications, correspondence, maps, and proposed changes.


Brent Pierce said...

O own a piece of property on the little lake and was wondering if this affects our area over there as well? If so what does it mean if it rezoned to us as owners?

Sylvia Currie said...

I think it will affect all residents, but TNRD is only obligated to inform those within 100 metres. The document I linked to has more information. I haven't made sense of it all yet! Hopefully others who have spent some time with these documents and process will chime in here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sylvia.

Danielle O said...

Very thoughtful bblog