Once again we are collecting cans, bottles, and drink boxes for our club during July and August. A couple speed-skating households, the Wynne boys (and their Grandma) and Sylvia Currie are working together this year to break all fundraising records. We are busy distributing flyers and will collect for July and August.
All you need to do is put your recyclables in the bag attached to the flyer. When it is full, please contact Sylvia Currie 250-377-0063 for pick up. You may also drop off bags at any of these locations:
• Inside the gate at 3873 Water Street (house with orange roof)
• Inside the gate at 3860 Rainbow Drive (gate at the top by the tennis court)
• Inside the wood shed at 3873 Lookout Road.
If you are willing, we will supply you with another bag to start again!
Money raised is used to help purchase skates, mats, ice time, and other requirements of this non-profit club. Our skaters range in age from 4 to over 45! If you know of someone interested in joining us, please call Cathy Turnbull Spence at 250-374-5430.
Thank you for your support!