What can you expect to find on this site? Anything related to life in our community -- events, celebrations, wildlife alerts, stories, photos, conservation news...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Trailer gone missing
If you or someone you know took the little black trailer from beside the gate at the ski hill on June 28 or 29, please call 250-377-0032. The boys were using it to build jumps for their mountain bikes and wrecked the wheel and we didn't have a chance to go get it before it disappeared. We would really appreciate getting it back.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Worm Composting Workshop

What: Mel Anderson of All Things Organic will be putting on the one-hour workshop. Residents will learn all they need to know about the proper way to compost with worms, which is a little trickier than regular composting but allows you to compost indoors and during the winter months.
Where: Lac Le Jeune Provincial Park. Meet at the picnic shelter on the hill near the beach.
When: Thursday, July 30th, 7:00 p.m.
Why: Cut down on household waste and make nutrient rich soil in the process.
To register call TNRD 250-377-8673. There are 20 spaces, and we must have at least 10 people registered by July 27th for the workshop to run.
This workshop is free, and participants may choose to purchase a TNRD subsidized worm composter for $25. Worms are $45 per lb. Parking is available in the day-use area lot for $1 per hour.
photo by Andrew Cant
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Lac Le Jeune Store
The store hours are 10 - 5:30, with a 12 - 1:00 lunch break.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Lost dogs
Chris Wingenbach checked with the SPCA, arranged for an announcement on radio NL, knocked on doors... but no luck so far. If you can offer a home with a fenced yard so we can keep these dogs safe until the owner is found that would be appreciated! Leave a comment on the blog or email/call Sylvia (sylvia@webbedfeat.com, 250-377-0063)
Slow down
However, we can control the SPEED of our vehicles. I often give the "slow down wave" to visitors to our community (extend your arm out to the side and wave your hand up and down). I suggest you do the same. But these past few years I've noticed Lac Le Jeune residents are the ones needing the wave.
A couple years ago, several concerned residents contacted the RCMP to see about putting up more signs, or finding other ways to encourage drivers to slow down. The RCMP assisted in collecting data to assess the problem. The average speed passing the gate by the ski hill was 70 km per hour. Now remember, average means that some people were driving faster than that. Woah! Kids and animals don't have a chance at that speed.
Please... slow down.
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