Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Logan Lake Polar Carnival 2015

Polar Carnival Buttons are on sale NOW at Esso, Grocery store, IDA, WHY, and a few other Locations around Logan Lake. You will require a button to participate in many events.

These are just some of the events. Check the Logan Lake Wellness Health and Youth Society (WHY) website for updates and details.

Thursday February 5 

  • International night starts at 5pm... Participating restaurants: 
    • Old Village Café-Ukrainian
      • Black Bull-Italian
      • Aardvarks-Thai, 
      • Little Baileys-Greek
LL High School
  • 430-530 Literacy Family Night. 
Black Bull and Pick n' Shovel
  • Darts 7pm
50/50 Draw starts (get tickets at the WHY)
Scavenger Hunt starts (pick up sheets @ WHY or HUB International by 4pm)

Friday February 6

LL Elementary school
  • 6pm grad class concession/bake sale 
  • 6-7pm Kids Carnival games, magician& Fun Zone blow up 7-745pm Family glow stick dance 
LL Seniors Centre
  • 6:30-9pm Social (wine&cheese) Music by Fern 

Saturday February 7

LL Seniors Centre
  • 8-11am Pancake Breakfast (must have Polar Carnival Button) 
  • Horse drop Bingo Squares for sale 
LL Library
  • 11am -1pm Polar Carnival Posters/videos 
Rec Centre Outdoors
  • 12-2pm Family games ( see flyer for a list of games) 
  • Adult warming station at fire pit 
  • 1pm Horse drop Bingo 
  • 2pm Chili cook off (judging) 
Rec Center Indoors
  • Hockey games throughout the day 
  • Minor Hockey concession open 
  • 12-2pm Face painting 
  • 1:00 pm LL Arts Council Arts and Crafts (curling viewing area) 
  • 130-3pm Scavenger Hunt winner announced 
  • 1:45pm Polar Carnival Passport station open (bring your passport and receive a treat) 
  • 50/50 Draw at end of day (if not claimed number will be posted at the WHY)
Questions? call the WHY office at 250.523.6229

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Citizens On Patrol

Have you noticed this sign by our mailboxes? The Citizens on Patrol Program (COPP) involves keeping a neighbourly watch over their communities in an effort to reduce crime. In Lac Le Jeune, Coleen Krawchuk and Carolyn Chandler have been patrolling the area over the past year to watch for any unusual activity. The role of Citizens on Patrol is to simply observe and report back to the police anything that might require follow-up.

This program is always looking for volunteers. It's a great way to give back to the community, and at the same time hang out with chums for a few hours each month :)

Improving information for snowmobilers

This request, posted to the Kamloops Snowmobile Association website before the new year, caught my attention:

(from the KSA News: Private Land Issue)
I have property at Lac Le Jeune at the west end of the lake. each year I have problems with snowmobilers trespassing on my private property. I have it signed and posted with No Snowmobiling or No trespassing signs. It seems as if once they get on a machine they lose their ability to read. Have you any suggestions to alleviate the problem? 
The Ridge Mountain Forest Service Road goes through our place, and as long as they stay on the part of the road that is not maintained I have no problem, but unfortunately, many of them do not. I do not want to involve the police, and with help I would rather solve the problem at this level. 
I would appreciate a response so we could talk this over. I realize that it is probably not your members that create a problem but maybe they have some ideas that would help 
Thank you very much 
Jocko Creek Ranch
I don't know the outcome of this request, but it occurs to me that signage isn't the complete solution. The question of where snowmobiles are permitted in the Lac Le Jeune area has been raised over the years. Some areas are obviously off limits, yet in other areas it's not always clear. For example from the lake, snowmobilers often weave in and out of the provincial park. There are no signs; they might not even know it's a park.

It seems that anyone venturing out on snowmobiles in a new area would first research trails systems and locate the staging areas. As someone who knows very little about snowmobiling, I thought I would do a quick search to see what information is readily available.
I started with the Kamloops Snowmobile Association (KSA) website since they have a stewardship role. This is the description of the Lac Le Jeune area on the Kamloops Snowmobile Association website:
Located 20 minutes south of Kamloops, the Lac Le Jeune area snowmobile trails run generally towards the south and east of Lac Le Jeune. The elevation is 1300m to 1680m, there are many other users in the immediate area of Lac Le Jeune that must be respected. There are cross country ski trail systems and local residents. This area is managed by agreement with the KSA (Kamloops Snowmobile Association) and MoTSA (Ministry of Tourism, Sports, and the Arts. Once you are far enough south of Lac Le Jeune conflicts are not an issue (obey signage). The ungroomed trail system runs through picturesque rolling plateau terrain on unplowed forest industry and ranching roads, through numerous meadow complexes, lakes and old forest fire burns. Sightings of moose are common in this area, ice fishing is also popular. This area is also accessed through Edith Lake and Rossmore Lake.
The Sun Peaks section on the KSA site includes maps in various formats: PDF for download, GPX for GPS devices, and KML for importing to Google Earth. That's useful! But nothing for Lac Le Jeune.

The next logical step was to check the Ministry of Tourism, Sports, and the Arts referred to on the KSA website. It's now called Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. That ministry doesn't seem to deal with anything related to snowmobiling. Rather, the focus is on competitive sports.

I then checked the BC Recreation Sites and Trails website,  which is part of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations. Oh good, it's an interactive site! I clicked on "planning your trip" then selected activity type: Snowmobiling and region: Southern Interior West. No mention of Lac Le Jeune... or Logan Lake... hmmm.

The advice on the BC Snowmobiling page on the Ministry of Environment website (so many ministries, so little time! :D) gives the following advice for people exploring new areas:
  • actively seek out local recreation maps for the area you will be visiting 
  • respect and protect all local land use signage 
  • avoid entering designated non-motorized areas
This is good advice if you have 1) maps, and 2) good signage. It would also be helpful if they would provide links to places you can find these recreation maps. A search looped me back to the BC Recreation Sites and Trails website. Sigh.

As far as I can tell, from the KSA website and other recreation and government sites, there are no area maps available for Lac Le Jeune. There are also no concise resources that educate visitors and newcomers to our area about where snowmobiles are permitted. I found lots of websites, loops, broken links, and heaps of descriptive text -- it's a lot to navigate and make sense of. And in the end, none of it was helpful for someone considering a snowmobile trip to the Lac Le Jeune area.

It seems better information (along with good signage) would be a big step in the right direction to solving this problem.

Help please! Where can we find useful information and maps for visitors and newcomers to Lac Le Jeune? If it doesn't exist, how can we work together to create it? 

Sylvia Currie

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

LOST DOG: Have you seen Oakley?


She was found on a logging road in the area. After nearly 48hrs in -9C nights in 45cm of snow, not a single injury... just hungry! 

** Lost **
4 year old German pointer answers to Oakley. Lost at Lac le Jeune provincial campground around 3:25 this afternoon. Her phone number is on her collar with her name. She's very friendly with people and other dogs. Thank you!

Submitted by Shannon Hiebert 

Check the Pet Searchers Canada website for full details and updates.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

History of the Ski Hill

This is a photo (looking towards the lodge) of the bridge that was constructed by John Whitaker, in Fall 1956 to gain access to the new Lac Le Jeune Ski Hill area. The bridge and the road to the ski hill base was completed in November 1956. A 1000 – foot rope tow was the means to carry skiers up that first hill. (compiled using Kamloops Sentinel – 1956 – Nov. 19)

Reg Burton family photo (click for larger view)
Ski Hill – History – March 1958 – Day Lodge In January 1958, the Lac Le Jeune ski hill was operating Wednesday afternoon and weekends, using a 1600-foot cable tow (possibly run off the Land Rover vehicle). Two Canadian Ski instructors – Harry Adki and Gedrie Atamanisnico were on the hill.

A European T-Bar lift, carried skiers 2000 feet up the hill beginning Christmas 1958.

Reg Burton family photo (click for larger view)
Submitted by Neil Burton

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Logan Lake Pond Hockey Classic

Last year the pond hockey tournament was cancelled because of poor ice conditions, but this year several rinks are ready to go on Logan Lake and are in great shape.

January 16 - 18

More details:

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Wanted: Place to rent

Mick Ludvig grew up in Lac Le Jeune and would like to return to to the community while he completes a carpentry program in Kamloops. Do you know of any suites, cabins or houses for rent? 

Comment here or contact Mick directly: 250 505 3908 |

Mick and Rose

Free couch

This cozy couch is free to a good home. It is 15+ years old but would be perfect for a rec room. Call Bev at 250-574-2402.