Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Invitation to stand in solidarity - Ajax Mine

Allies Meeting regarding the SSN Pípsell Decision on the proposed KGHM Ajax Open-Pit Mine 

An invitation to those who wish to stand in solidarity with the Decision NOT to go forward with the KGHM Ajax Open-Pit mine. 

Saturday, April 01, 2017 at 10:00 am—Noon 
Irving K. Barber Centre, Thompson Rivers University 
900 McGill Road, Kamloops BC 
Snacks & Refreshments provided 

We welcome all to come early to participate in a smudge ceremony at 9:30 am 

** Please note that media will be invited to witness the meeting from 11am– Noon ** 
For more information: vanessa@stkemlupsemc.ca- 250.320.7724

Sunday, March 26, 2017

BC Wildlife Federation - Invitation to Town Hall Meeting

Photo by Peter Sulzle, taken in Lac Le Jeune
The BC Wildlife Federation has organized a series of Town Hall meetings across the province to discuss declining wildlife populations, strains on natural resources and a lack of funding for fish and wildlife management. Please plan to participate in the Kamloops meeting. There is no cost to attend.

Kamloops - Tuesday, April 4, 7.00 p.m. at the Calvary Community Church, 1205 Rogers Way

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Kayaks and a canoe for sale

We have 3 kayaks and a canoe that we will be selling come spring time.

Orange Necky Manitou 14' touring Kayak - great shape with not a lot of use $650

Yellow Necky Manitou 14' touring Kayak - not a lot of use but does need the skeg cable replaced (minor repair - we never used the skeg) $600 

Kids Costco Kayak - sit on top style $40

Old Red Canoe - it's not pretty but it floats!!!   $75

We would be willing to do a package deal for the kayaks.

For more information please contact Jeff Burton    jeffrburton@yahoo.ca   250 819 2222 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Honey Bee Swarms

Honey Bee Happy Dance

Not that I anticipate we'll be seeing honey bees in Lac Le Jeune in the near future, but I wanted to share this excellent website created and maintained by the Kamloops Beekeepers Club.

In particular, this information on what to do if you have a swarm of honey bees on your property is very useful. Above all,
NEVER use a pesticide on bees to remove, kill or scare them away.
This BC Ministry Farming, Natural Resources & Industry Apiculture website also has some great resources, including a list of what to plant to provide bee forage. Many of the flowers on this list thrive in our zone.

Order some seeds while you wait for the snow to melt!

~ Sylvia Currie ~

Monday, March 6, 2017

Information for Waterfront Land Owners


Please be advised of the following information related to waterfront property around Lac Le Jeune (all documents can be reviewed on-line):

From the Quick Guide brochure

1. Quick Guide For Waterfront Land Owners and Developers - Province (PDF)

2. Riparian Areas Regulation Guidebook For Waterfront Home Owners and Property Developers - Province (PDF)

3. Riparian Areas Regulation FAQ Sheet - Thompson Nicola Regional District (PDF)

4. Lakeshore Development Guidelines -Thompson Nicola Regional District (PDF)

5. On The Living Edge, Your Handbook For Waterfront Living - Sarah Kipp and Clive Callaway (Excerpts from this book are available online)

Regulations are in place that restrict removal of natural landscape beside the lake. The basic intent is to retain the integrity of natural conditions that protect fish and wildlife habitat, as well as maintain water quality. Clear cutting of lakeshore property within the riparian area (30 meter setback from lake), especially steep slopes, and removal of shoreline vegetation are not permitted.

~ Gregg Lindros ~