From the
City of Kamloops website:
June 19, 2017 Public Town Hall Meeting
6:00 pm-10:00 pm
Coast Hotel and Conferencce Centre, 1250 Rogers Way
Public is invited to attend the presentations by Interior Health Authority and SLR Consulting Ltd. of the results of their reviews of the KGHM Ajax Mine Application. The presentations will be followed by a public question period. All questions must wait until the end of both presentations. The City thanks the public in advance for maintaining a respectful and informative meeting.
The meeting will also be
live streamed online.
» Technical Peer Review - Proposed Ajax Mine - Final Report (PDF)
Prepared by SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd.
June 22, 2017 Special Council Meeting
9:00 am-12:00 pm
City Hall - Council Chambers
City Council will have the opportunity to ask questions of SLR Consulting Ltd. regarding their review and final report. Please note, although this meeting is open to the public, there is limited seating in Council Chambers. There will be no opportunity for questions from the public at this meeting. Please attend the Town Hall Meeting on June 19, 2017 if you wish to ask questions (questions only, no comments).