What can you expect to find on this site? Anything related to life in our community -- events, celebrations, wildlife alerts, stories, photos, conservation news...
Monday, December 24, 2018
Now open! Stake Lake ski trails
Friday, December 21, 2018
Moose alert
Keep an eye out when in and around the provincial park campsite area. Yesterday Dana Mattice was charged by a cow moose protecting her calf.
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Not the actual moose :) |
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Election time!
Local government elections for TNRD regional district area representatives are held every four years. The next scheduled general local election is Saturday, October 20, 2018.
This website has information about the voting process, including when and where to vote, and what to bring.
Area J Candidates are:
Ronaye Elliot
Corine LeBourdais
There is very little information about the area J candidates. If you attended the candidate information sessions in August, or know where we can read about their platforms, please share!
This website has information about the voting process, including when and where to vote, and what to bring.
Area J Candidates are:
Ronaye Elliot
Corine LeBourdais
There is very little information about the area J candidates. If you attended the candidate information sessions in August, or know where we can read about their platforms, please share!
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Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Minutes of the LLJCA AGM - September 9, 2018
Lac le Jeune Conservation Association
Annual General Meeting
Sept 9, 2018
Meeting called to order 11:15
1. Adoption of minutes for the 2017 AGM. Moved and seconded.
2. Treasurer’s Report
Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association 2017 Financial Report
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Balance at 04/30/2017
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TNRD-Conservation Projects
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BC Society Annual Report
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Copying - Membership/LLJCA info
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Balance as at 04/30/2018
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GIC Current Value
3. Lake Monitoring report – Howie MattfieldThe small team of volunteers continue to test and report their findings for both the big and little lake. Marg Sidney has officially retired now but will try to continue to assist the group. BC Lake Stewardship Society (BCLSS), MOE, Provincial Lake Network Program might all be combined into one society in the future. Mike Socale in Penticton is the new contact for the monitoring program. The large lake will continue to be monitored regularly between ice off and ice on period. This information will be sent to the LLJCA. Significant changes have been evident in both lakes including the reduction in visibility and oxygen levels. Becoming a part of the watershed membership should still be looked at. Greg Louvros and Jim are interesting in finding out more about it. There may be funding through MOE and the TNRD. A committee will be formed to further investigate this and the funding aspect. Perhaps Marg will be interested in being on this committee. The watershed study includes the entire area around the lake including streams and would include stream enhancement. MOF (forests) may have program to assist with stream enhancement. Ontario has a group that we know of that did a project of this type but it was a lot of work and had many volunteers. Of course, improving the watershed will improve the lake and our water quality.
**Volunteers are still needed to assist in the monitoring. The time commitment is once per month, 1-1.5 hours, always in the daytime and in good weather conditions only.**
4. Water conservation was briefly brought up by Cindy Swain. She suggested we could work with REWIS (for the subdivision) in posting water conservation tips on line like low flow toilets or adhering to specific watering times but have this directed at all citizens of the community.
5. Increasing the bat population was also brought up by Cindy Swain. She has been in contact with Doug Burles who is registered with the BC Community Bat Program which is also part of the Kamloops Naturalist club. He provided two pamphlets for us to distribute: one is about building a bat house and the other about moving bats from your home if that is an issue. According to him, LLJ should have a good population but with the terrible summer we had with insects this past year, any improvement in numbers of bats would be beneficial. Some people had success with bat houses while others did not.
6. Steve Roy made the Lac Le Jeune Community Contact List available to everyone at the meeting. He asked that everyone check the information for accuracy and contact him with changes. Contact information is on the list. He is also setting up a private email list as a way to distribute this list in the future.
Steve also added a few information items to add to the meeting:
He can bring people Mason Bees from his place at the coast. He has brought up some and housed them in tube nesting houses with much success. They do not produce honey but are excellent pollinators.
He also has a few LLJ t-shits available. He will make them available for a donation to the Conservation Association. As well, if anyone is interested in obtaining more LLJ glass wear, at a price of approx $5.60 per glass. Contact Steve if you are interesting.
7. BC Parks – Michelle Weibe. Michelle was able to attend the AMG and has been working with BC Parks since 2007. She managed 19 Provincial Parks in our area and is the area supervisor. Proceeds for the BC Parks license plates actually does go to PC Parks and this year it enabled her to have Rangers this year which is the first time in four years. She provided a newsletter for our perusal.
8. Invasive Plant Program – Dr Catherine Tarasoff. TNRD continues to offer the bio control program for its area and the spotted knapweed is still a concern. A specific type of weevil is used to eat the root system which over time, makes the weed smaller and smaller. The TNRD has a invasive plant control committee and she has suggestions how to start the eradication exercise in our area:
a. Determine perimeter of area on a map
b. Determine priority values (high/med/low)
c. Determine risk rating of invasion (high/med/low)
This process will narrow down the scope of need and will determine where to start. Resources can then be put towards this process. She also suggested we determine:
a. What resources we have (volunteers) and
b. How much time do we allocate.
This will all assist in our community weed management plan. Catherine will be our contact to assist. The more the community is involved, the better change to eradicate invasive weeds. If LLJ does this, it will be the first community in BC. She also suggested a “BioBlitz” which is taking one hour, one day, or one week and concentrating on one area to get the ball rolling. This can also be done for bird counts, amphibian, mammal or plant recognition. She also has a concern about Erasion Millfoil in our lake and preventing it from entering our water system. Even signs at the boat launch to education boaters would be a good idea. Anyone interested in this, please contact Corinne Schock.
9. Wildfire Prevention planning needs to be addressed again. There is more work to be done in clearing in our area. Funding is being made available from the Provincial Govertnment. Although Clay Govett wasn’t able to attend the AGM, he is looking into this and the contact person to volunteer. More information will be posted on the blog.
10. TNRD – Ronaye Elliot: Ronaye had a donation cheque for the LLJ Conservation Association which she presented. The invasive plant issue was again brought up and the need for a committee. The TNRD voiced their concerns with the various GOVT Ministries and the lack of progress or accountability and the GOVT listened and has made funding available to assist with this.
Ronaye isn’t satisfied with the new recycling provider but we need to make ourselves aware of the new procedures and follow them. To not do so will result in the TNRD being fined. Jamie Vieira is the manager of the TNRD solid waste dept.
There has been a huge change with the regulation of volunteer fire dept in the TNRD district. The TNRD can no longer assist in funding the volunteers and have to own the dept outright. The TNRD will be taking over five such departments to ensure they continue to assist citizens in their areas.
There is also no funding available to small, private water systems like the LLJ REWIS. The IHA will continue to monitor as per the Canadian Drinking Water Standards act and work will have to be done to improve the system as the standards continue to get more stringent. Small water systems may not be able to sustain themselves and will have to be taken over by the TNRD. Ronaye does not agree with this and would like to avoid this.
There is federal money available, however, for trail improvements which we should look at. 18% of the taxes received through the TNRD are from our area.
11. Other Business
Sylvia has made the information and registration for the Bear Spray workshop available on the blog and the facebook page. Please register asap as it is being held Sept 13th.
Corinne Schock announced that since her house was for sale, she would be stepping down as president but will remain on the Association board. No one stepped forward so Cindy Swain was elected President. The Vice-President position will remain empty until next year’s AGM. Also, an Area Rep for the Little Lake is needed.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Cynthia Swain
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Reminder: TNRD Mobile Library Visit
Quick reminder! The TNRD Mobile Library will be in Lac Le Jeune Friday, September 21, from 11:00 to noon. It pulls in beside the community bulletin board and mailboxes.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
News Release: Government partners with communities on wildfire risks
News Release![]() | |
For Immediate Release 2018FLNR0259-001733 Sept. 10, 2018 | Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development |
Government partners with communities on wildfire risks | |
WHISTLER – The new Community Resiliency Investment Program will provide up to $50 million over the next three years to local governments and First Nations to help reduce wildfire risks around their communities. “Wildfires don’t recognize the difference between municipal, on-reserve or provincial Crown land, and neither should the programs designed to address those fires,” said Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. “The new Community Resiliency Investment Program was designed from the ground up to address long-standing concerns with the way we were dealing with wildfire risks throughout the province.” The Community Resiliency Investment (CRI) Program takes a holistic approach to wildfire risk reduction and fuel management treatments, and will consider fire prevention activities on provincial Crown land and private land, in addition to local government and reserve land. “The First Nations’ Emergency Services Society of B.C. is proud to have collaborated on this project and assisted in developing a program that will serve to help reduce the risk of wildfire in and around Indigenous communities,” said Brent Langlois, executive director of the First Nations’ Emergency Services Society of B.C. “Together we can help to mitigate wildfire risk and protect communities in British Columbia.” A key component of the new program is that it allows communities to apply for funding to cover up to 100% of their wildfire risk reduction projects, as opposed to the previous cost-sharing requirements. The types of activities eligible for funding have also been expanded to include more activities covered by the FireSmart program’s seven disciplines. “Local governments are looking for additional resources to reduce the risk of wildfire to their residents,” said Wendy Booth, president of the Union of B.C. Municipalities. “This new program builds on previous investments and provides communities with more options on the types of land that can be treated.” As part of Budget 2018, the B.C. government committed $50 million over three years to help reduce wildfire risks around communities. Up to $10 million will be available in the 2018-19 fiscal year, with $20 million available in each of the following two fiscal years. The Community Resiliency Investment Program is a big part of this renewed commitment and it will replace the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative. The new program will include two distinct funding streams:
“The Forest Enhancement Society of B.C. is pleased to collaborate with our partner agencies on the development of the CRI program,” said Steve Kozuki, executive director of the Forest Enhancement Society of B.C. “We believe it’s important to have a co-ordinated effort like this, with specialists working together, to ensure both the resiliency and enhancement of B.C.’s forests now and in the future.” The Community Resiliency Investment Program is separate from and complements the funding program administered by the Forest Enhancement Society of B.C. As of June 2018, the B.C. government has invested $235 million in the society, with over $134 million allocated to date for wildfire risk reduction, reforestation, forest rehabilitation, wildlife habitat restoration and raising awareness of the FireSmart program. Quick Facts:
Applications for Community Resiliency Investment Program funding can be submitted through the Union of B.C. Municipalities website: www.ubcm.ca The FireSmart Homeowner’s Manual was developed to help people reduce the risk of personal property damage due to wildfires. The manual and more information about the FireSmart program are available here: http://gov.bc.ca/firesmart Read more about the FireSmart program on the FireSmart Canada website: https://www.firesmartcanada.ca/ A backgrounder follows. | |
Contact: | |
Media Relations Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development 250 356-7506 |
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For Immediate Release 2018FLNR0259-001733 Sept. 10, 2018 | Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development |
More fire prevention activities eligible for funding | |
Mitigating wildfire risks is a shared responsibility of the provincial government, local governments, First Nations, industry, stakeholders and individual British Columbians. FireSmart is the Canadian standard recognized by all provinces and territories for reducing wildfire risks. It is based on National Fire Protection Association standards that have evolved over the last 40 years. FireSmart is backed by a vast amount of field, laboratory and modelling research. Its methods have been demonstrated time and time again to reduce the risk of losses, under even the most extreme fire conditions. The types of fire prevention work eligible for funding under the new Community Resiliency Investment Program are being expanded to include more activities covered by the FireSmart program’s seven disciplines:
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Contact: | |
Media Relations Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development 250 356-7506 |
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Fuel Modification: Step 1 - Wildfire Prevention Plan
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Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash |
As we continue efforts for fuel modification in our community, we will be working on an up-to-date Wildfire Prevention Plan.
We are looking for volunteers to assist with this process. There are several resources available and models to follow from communities that have been successful in implementing an effective program.
If you are interested in becoming involved please contact Contact Clay Govett at gmail dot com
Thursday, September 6, 2018
AGM Agenda
When: Sunday September 9, 2018, 11:00 – 12:30
Where: Lac Le Jeune Provincial Park Day Area Shelter
There will be a snacks and refreshments for LLJCA families and guests.
Special requests:
- Bring your own mug or glass
- Refer to the minutes of the 2017 AGM ahead of the meeting. A few printed reference copies will be made available at the meeting
- Bring $10 to maintain your LLJCA membership
1. Adoption of minutes from the 2017 AGM
2. Treasurer's report – Leyla Johnson
3. Lake Monitoring Program – Howie Mattfeld & Hugh Burton
4. Conserving water – Cindy Swain
5. Increasing bat population – Cindy Swain
6. Community contact & mailing list – Steve Roy
7. RCMP report – Cpl TBA
8. BC Parks – Michelle Weibe
9. Invasive Plant Program – Dr. Catherine Tarasoff
10. Fire Safe Community – Clay Govett
11. TNRD area J representative – Ronaye Elliot
12. Kamloops Bike Riders Association – Paul Berry (tentative)
13. Elections: Little Lake rep, Vice President
14. Other business
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Bear spray workshop for outdoor enthusiasts
We are coordinating a workshop in collaboration with the Thompson-Nicola Regional District WildSafeBC Community Program for Lac Le Jeune residents to learn how to use bear spray effectively.
The workshop will be held on Thursday, September 13th, 4:00 - 6:00pm. Topics to address include:
- what bear spray is
- how and what to purchase
- proper storage when at home or travelling
- proper deployment of the spray (allowing everyone to deploy inert bear spray for practice)
There will be a nominal fee based on the number of participants. It is payable on the day of the workshop. The cost of each can of inert training bear spray for a group of 4 people to practice with is $25.
Anyone under 16 must be accompanied by a guardian and must show respectful maturity when using inert bear spray.
By completing this registration form you are stating that you are interested and available at this date and time. If there are any changes to your circumstances please email sylvia.currie at gmail dot com.
You will be contacted closer to the workshop date with further information about venue and what to expect.
The workshop will be held on Thursday, September 13th, 4:00 - 6:00pm. Topics to address include:
- what bear spray is
- how and what to purchase
- proper storage when at home or travelling
- proper deployment of the spray (allowing everyone to deploy inert bear spray for practice)
There will be a nominal fee based on the number of participants. It is payable on the day of the workshop. The cost of each can of inert training bear spray for a group of 4 people to practice with is $25.
Anyone under 16 must be accompanied by a guardian and must show respectful maturity when using inert bear spray.
By completing this registration form you are stating that you are interested and available at this date and time. If there are any changes to your circumstances please email sylvia.currie at gmail dot com.
You will be contacted closer to the workshop date with further information about venue and what to expect.
Annual General Meeting
Sunday, September 9, 2018
11:00 – 12:30
Provincial Park
Day Area Shelter
Refreshments and snacks for the whole family
Hope to see you there!
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Changes to our mailing addresses
Friday, August 10, 2018
LLJCA AGM + 2018 Info Sheet
This is the updated one-pager to outline what the Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association is all about. Have a look, pass it along to your new neighbours, and be sure to come to the Annual General Meeting!
When: September 9, 2018 @ 11:00
Where: Lac Le Jeune Provincial Park day area shelter
When: September 9, 2018 @ 11:00
Where: Lac Le Jeune Provincial Park day area shelter
Thursday, August 2, 2018
The toads are crossing the road!
The western toad migration has begun! These little guys cross Lac Le Jeune Road every summer around this time in a 1-kilometre stretch of road near the Michell Ranch.
You can help out these little toads by taking the Coquihalla on your trips to Kamloops during these few days of migration. They are so small many people don’t even notice them on the road.
sydney Rae
You can help out these little toads by taking the Coquihalla on your trips to Kamloops during these few days of migration. They are so small many people don’t even notice them on the road.
sydney Rae
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Learn to Fish program
Reminder! There are more Learn to Fish opportunities this summer for your kids, age 5 - 15.
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Friday, July 13, 2018
Our Lake - Status Report
The following is a status report from Hugh Burton
Andrew Mac Math and I have done the first two lake profiles for May and June. (see attachments) It is my intention to continue doing a profile at least once per month till ice on or it gets too darn cold to continue.
It is not an onerous or difficult task, so if anyone wants to volunteer an hour or so I would really appreciate it. Give me a call: 250-314-6760 or send an email to this address. It takes two people to do it safely, so if you have someone who you could partner up with I would be happy to provide a demo on the procedure.
The best results are obtained by ensuring that the profiles are taken within a few days either side of ones done in previous years. This means that the next one is due between the 16th and 20th of July.
Comments: Refer to the data sheets below for values.
On the whole our lake is doing not too badly for a lake that is in the middle of its life and whose watershed has undergone significant changes over the past 30 to 40 years – expansion of residential and park areas, increase in paved roads with commensurate increase in vehicular traffic and most recently the pine beetle infestation.
Whether you have been boating or fishing or just using the lake water for the household, you will have noticed that, over the past two years the lake water has become quite brown in colour and the sediment concentration has increased considerably. I know that I have had to change my filters almost twice as often over this time frame.
Both of these conditions reduce the transparency of the water Note the difference in the secchi depth between June 17/17 and June 18/18 - 5.7m vs 3.9m. (Secchi depth is a measure of the transparency of the water).
There are a number of factors that have come together to produce these conditions.
First: A significant percentage of the watershed is still recovering from the pine beetle infestation. Debris from the logging is now decaying providing an increase in organic material and.
Second: The vegetation replacing the pine forest is predominantly deciduous poplar,aspen, alder and willow, all of which produce leaf litter that as it decays adds to the organic loading in the form of tannins (hence the brown colour).
Third: The pine tree removal has led to an increase in exposed ground leading to greater than normal erosion, which has been magnified by two years of heavier than normal snow load followed by relatively high runoff.
Forth: The beaver activity at the outlet is maintaining a high water level throughout the year which causes a reduction in the flow through and resultant slow clearing of the lake. Variation in lake, water level is essential to a healthy aquatic environment.
Higher than normal water levels cause incorporation of shore areas that at normal levels would be dry. This may also lead to an increase in conductive salts and sediment through erosive wave action and leaching. Note the elevated numbers under specific conductance columns.
Long term high water levels also increase the organic material loading by eventually killing vegetation in the affected areas. This decays over time, which may, if severe enough, lead to an undesirably high organic content and reduced O2 levels during the winter resulting in possible fish kill. (this is not a problem at this point in our lake).
Ideally, the water levels should vary throughout the year. Temporary high water levels will increase the nutrients essential to the support of the food chain and therefore to a healthier lake. Changes in water level are also necessary for the health of the wet lands that are so important in purifying water and providing bio-habitat.
Obviously there is a delicate balance that must be maintained among these factors if optimal conditions are to prevail.
The changes we are seeing will definitely affect our aquatic environment in the short term but they are probably not so much detrimental as they are annoying. However, they do demonstrate the need for careful monitoring and maintenance of our watershed.
Data Sheets (click image for a larger view)
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Joey needs a home
UPDATE: Joey has been adopted!
Joey is a friendly 1 year old short hair brown tabby. He loves to play but is happy to relax on his own as well. He is very smart and was even taught to do cat agility with the students! Joey needs to be in a home with no other cats where he has space to roam and explore. He can be very gentle but also can play quite rough at times so therefore would prefer a home with older children that respect his space.
If you’re interested in adopting Joey please email Thompson Rivers University Animal Heath Technology: tgeiger@tru.ca or swalczak@tru.ca
Joey is a friendly 1 year old short hair brown tabby. He loves to play but is happy to relax on his own as well. He is very smart and was even taught to do cat agility with the students! Joey needs to be in a home with no other cats where he has space to roam and explore. He can be very gentle but also can play quite rough at times so therefore would prefer a home with older children that respect his space.
If you’re interested in adopting Joey please email Thompson Rivers University Animal Heath Technology: tgeiger@tru.ca or swalczak@tru.ca
Friday, June 29, 2018
Category 2 open fire bans in place -- includes fireworks
From the BC Wildfire Services:
It’s almost the Canada Day long weekend, and we know many people are making plans to celebrate – which may mean using fireworks. But did you know that firework bans have been implemented alongside Category 2 and 3 open fire bans?
Current Category 2 open fire bans are in place in the Cariboo, Kamloops, and Coastal Fire Centres (excluding the Haida Gwaii Natural Resource District and the Fog Zone). The Cariboo, Kamloops, and Southeast Fire Centres additionally have Category 3 open fire bans at this time.
Setting off fireworks is considered to be a high-risk activity, since they can easily ignite forest fuels and start a wildfire.
It’s almost the Canada Day long weekend, and we know many people are making plans to celebrate – which may mean using fireworks. But did you know that firework bans have been implemented alongside Category 2 and 3 open fire bans?
Current Category 2 open fire bans are in place in the Cariboo, Kamloops, and Coastal Fire Centres (excluding the Haida Gwaii Natural Resource District and the Fog Zone). The Cariboo, Kamloops, and Southeast Fire Centres additionally have Category 3 open fire bans at this time.
Setting off fireworks is considered to be a high-risk activity, since they can easily ignite forest fuels and start a wildfire.
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Friday, June 1, 2018
Mobile Library Comes to Lac Le Jeune!
The new Mobile Library came to Lac Le Jeune today!
Tracy Upton passed along this message from Jenny Abramzik, TNRD library head of outreach services:
Also, thanks to Coleen Krawchuk, we have a regular inflow of books donated by the TNRD Library system for placement in our Little Free Libraries.
Further information:
Look for the Mobile Library by the community mailboxes from 11:00 - 12:00 June 1, June 22, July 13, August 3, August 24, September 21, and October 12.
Happy reading!
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Photo by Corinne Schock |
Tracy Upton passed along this message from Jenny Abramzik, TNRD library head of outreach services:
We're a full service library- we offer patrons wifi and use of tablets, and thousands of books, DVDs, magazines, audiobooks and video games for all ages. Patrons can request items from anywhere in the system and we'll put it on the Mobile Library for them.
We'll be visiting Lac Le Jeune every third Friday from 11:00-noon, starting June 1st.
Please get in touch if you have any further questions: jabramzik@tnrd.ca 250-376-3526
Also, thanks to Coleen Krawchuk, we have a regular inflow of books donated by the TNRD Library system for placement in our Little Free Libraries.
Further information:
- TNRD Mobile Library Schedule and Stops (PDF)
- Bookmobile Turns a New Page - Kamloops This Week
- Search/request a book
Look for the Mobile Library by the community mailboxes from 11:00 - 12:00 June 1, June 22, July 13, August 3, August 24, September 21, and October 12.
Happy reading!
Monday, May 21, 2018
News Release: Tougher off-road vehicle rules and new fines to reduce wildfire risks
News Release: Tougher off-road vehicle rules and new fines to reduce wildfire risks

Effective immediately, the British Columbia government has increased some wildfire-related penalties up to $100,000, to assist with fire prevention and discourage irresponsible off-road vehicle use, Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, announced today.
“These changes reflect the tougher stand that our government is taking to eliminate unnecessary wildfire risks, encourage compliance, protect communities from harm and help keep British Columbians safe,” said Donaldson.
Spark arrestors required for off-road vehicles (ORVs):
- All off-road vehicles are now required to have a spark arrestor installed to reduce wildfire risks when operating on Crown land. A spark arrestor is a small screen or other device that is installed in an exhaust system to stop sparks or other exhaust residue from exiting the tailpipe.
- Many new models of ORVs already have a spark arrestor. Owners of older models that do not have spark arrestors will need to get them installed if they wish to operate the ORV on Crown land.
- A contravention could result in a violation ticket fine of $460 or an administrative monetary penalty of up to $10,000 if an ORV without a spark arrestor is operating at a time or place where there is a risk of a wildfire starting.
- If a wildfire starts, the operator could receive a violation ticket fine of $575, an administrative monetary penalty of up to $10,000, or a court fine up to $1,000,000 and/or up to three years in jail. The person responsible could also be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs.
Increased or additional fines for wildfire-related infractions:
- The Wildfire Regulation has been amended to add a new administrative monetary penalty up to $100,000 for violations related to utility transmission operations. Examples would be when a wildfire is started by a downed power line, or when vegetation near a utility line has not been adequately maintained and a tree falls on an energized line, starting a fire. Similar provisions are in place for other industrial activities, so this amendment makes the Wildfire Regulation consistent across the sector.
- The Wildfire Regulation has been amended to add a new administrative monetary penalty up to $10,000 for not complying with a stop-work order. This change will give the Province additional compliance and enforcement options to deal with people who continue to engage in a high-risk activity after a stop-work order has been issued.
- The Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation has been amended to increase three fines for contraventions of the Wildfire Act. The cost of a contravention will increase from $767 to $1,150 for:
- failing to comply with restricted area requirements;
- failing to comply with an order restricting an activity or use; and
- failing to comply with an order to leave a specified area.
Follow the latest B.C. wildfire news:
- On Twitter: http://twitter.com/BCGovFireInfo
- On Facebook: http://facebook.com/BCForestFireInfo
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Free Disposal Day - April 29th
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Residents may bring ONE FREE LOAD PER HOUSEHOLD to their local Eco-Depot or Transfer Station on event day. One load is defined as a maximum of one 8 foot pick-up truck box OR one 8’ foot trailer. Residents can save money on materials normally charged disposal fees for such as cooling appliances, tires on rim, mattresses, furniture, demolition/construction waste, wood waste, roofing shingles, and household garbage.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Please pick up!
Have you heard about stools to fuels -- street lamps that run on doggie poo? Unfortunately, we don't have them here! And now that the snow is beginning to melt we're noticing the problem of not picking up after dogs is worse than ever.
Please prevent this accumulation from ever happening by promptly dealing with dog waste. It's especially important to pick up after your dog near the lake. Your neighbours will also appreciate your efforts on or around their property. Bonus: If you're walking on Lac Le Jeune Road we even have free bags and drop off service.
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