Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association 

2022 - 2024 Executive Members

President - Corinne Schock
Vice President - Bruce Mitchell
Secretary/Treasurer - Cindy Swain

Area Reps

Lac Le Jeune Drive East - Anna Folk and Pat Carroll (shared)
Old Town Site / Little Lake - Jacquie Brugger and Pat Burton (shared)
Lookout Road - Sylvia Currie
Lower Subdivision - Clay Govett
Upper Subdivision - Howie Mattfeld


All Lac Le Jeune residents are encouraged to join the Conservation Association. In addition to attending to important conservation issues and ensuring that all voices are represented, the Association is the point of contact for other matters, including emergency preparedness, social events, RCMP liaison, and Community on Patrol. The fee is only $10 per year for each household. There is no reason not to join!

To become a member, or to renew your membership, follow the instructions on the LLJCA Membership form. You are also encouraged to keep your contact information up-to-date in our community directory for emergencies and events. Send details or obtain a directory by emailing laclejeune@laclejeune.ca

Mailing Address: 

c/o Swain
3757 Ridgemont Road, Lac Le Jeune, BC V1S 1Y8


1. The name of the Association is the Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association.

2. The purposes of the association are:

a) To help ensure the protection and conservation of our physical environment: the air, water, forest, and wildlife that surround us. 

b) To care for and preserve the natural beauty of Lac Le Jeune and surrounding area for the enjoyment and recreation of all.

3. In the event of winding up or dissolution of the Association, funds and assets of the Association remaining after the satisfaction of its debts and liabilities, shall be given or transferred to such organization or organizations concerned with social problems or organizations promoting the same purposes of this society, as may be determined by the members of the Association at the time of winding up or dissolution, and if effect cannot be given to the aforesaid provisions, then such funds shall be given or transferred to some other organizations, provided however that any such organization referred to in this paragraph shall be a registered charity recognized by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, as qualified as such under the provisions of the Income Tax Act of Canada from time to time in effect.

4. Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of the constitution are unalterable in accordance with Section 22 of the Society Act.


1. Voting Membership in the Association is open to people who lease or own property in the Lac Le Jeune area upon payment of a nominal annual fee set by the executive of the association. Past residents or interested parties may obtain non-voting associate membership upon payment of the annual fee. 

a) Voting at the annual general meeting shall be limited to one vote per property. That vote may be exercised by any owner or lessor of the property providing one owner or lessor holds a voting membership.

2. A member may voluntarily resign by giving written notice to the executive.

3. A member ceases to be in good standing when he/she does not pay the annual fee.

4. The duties of the members of the Association are:

  a) To adhere to the purposes of the Association as set out in Paragraph 2 of the constitution. 

  b) To report to the executive, matters which they feel will be of interest or importance to the Association as a whole. 

  c) To attend the Annual General Meeting and to participate in other Association activities. 

5. A member may be expelled by a special resolution of the members passed at a general meeting. 

  a) The notice of special resolution for expulsion shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the reason or reasons for the proposed expulsion.

  b) The person who is the subject of the proposed resolutions for expulsion shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the general meeting before the special resolution is put to a vote. 

6. The first Annual General Meeting of the members of the Association shall be held not more than 15 months after the date of incorporation, and after than an annual general meeting of the Association shall be held at least once in every calendar year and not more than 15 months after the adjournment of the previous annual meeting. 

7. A quorum of twenty (20) percent is necessary for an Annual General Meeting, but never less than 10 persons. 

8. A member in good standing present at a meeting of members is entitled to one vote. Voting is by show of hands, unless the members otherwise decide. Voting by proxy is not permitted. 

9. The method by which the executive of the Association is to be appointed:

  a) The Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association is governed by an executive, consisting of members elected biannually at the Annual General Meeting.

  b) The executive will be composed of directors each representing a separate residential area: Lac Le Jeune Drive East, the Old Town Site, the Little Lake, Lookout Road, the Lower Subdivision, and the Upper Subdivision.

  c) The executive will also include a President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Vice-President. 

  d) The executive of the Association are nominated, accept the nomination, and are voted for at the Annual General Meeting with a majority decision by members in good standing. 

  e) A quorum of five (5) is necessary to hold an executive meeting.
10. The Duties of the Directors of this executive are:

  a) To represent their area members at executive meetings.
  b) To be available to members of their region of the lake if a problem arises in their area. 

  c) To report to the executive his/her members' concerns and to address the problem. 

  d) To vote at executive meetings in the best interests of the membership and their respective areas. 

11. The duties of the Officers of this executive are:

  a) The President shall convene and chair executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting and share signing authority for the Association's banking.
  b) The Secretary shall write correspondence on behalf of the Association, issue notice of meetings of the Association and Directors, keep minutes of all meetings of the Association and Directors, have custody of all records and documents of the Association. 

  c) The Treasurer shall maintain the registrar of members, keep such financial records, including books of account, as are necessary to comply with the SOCIETY ACT, render financial statements to the directors, members and others when required, share signing authority for the Association's banking, and ensure no Association funds are used for the benefit of individual members or any other interested person. 

  d) The Vice-President shall act as Chairman or Secretary or Treasurer in the event that either of these persons is unavailable to attend the Annual General Meeting or an executive meeting. 

12. If a member of the executive speaks on behalf of the Association in a manner contrary to the purpose of the Association, he/she may be reprimanded at a meeting of the Executive convened by any member of the executive. 

13. An executive member may be asked to resign by a simple seventy-five (75) percent majority vote of the executive. Any member of the Association may ask an executive member to convene such a serious  meeting, but must attend the meeting and personally state his/her complaint. 

14. There is to be no remuneration of Officers or Directors. 

15. In order to carry out the purposes of the Association the Directors may, on behalf of and in the name of the Association, raise or secure the payment or repayment of money in such a manner as they decide and in particular but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, by the issue of debentures. 

16. No debenture shall be issued without the sanction of a special resolution at a general meeting. 

17. The members may by special resolution restrict the borrowing powers of the Directors but a restriction so imposed expires at the next Annual General Meeting. 

18. The minutes of the meeting of the Association Executive and Directors shall be prepared and held by the Secretary and sent to all members by email or regular mail as needed. 

19. Should the Association wish to change its organizational structure, this document may be amended by a special resolution passed by a seventy-five (75) per cent majority of its members attending an Annual General Meeting. 

20. After being admitted, a member to this Association is entitled to a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws upon paying the sum of $1.00.