Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association

Are you a member of the Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association? The dues are only $5.00 per year per household, and it buys you peace of mind that there are concerned individuals discussing our needs and taking action when we're faced with environmental issues in our community. Better yet, get involved! It's election year. :-)

To pay your 2008-2009 dues just copy this form and mail it to the address below.

Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association
Membership Application/Renewal
July 2008- July 2009

Name: _________________________________________________

Mailing Address: __________________________________________

Phone: ___________________ Email _________________________

Lake Address: ____________________________________________

Lake Phone: ________________________

Full Time resident ___
Seasonal Resident ___

Please include $5 Annual Membership Fee per household. Thank You!

Send to:
Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association
c/o 1952 Eastwood Ave.
Merritt, BC V1K 1K3


Jacquie B said...
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Jacquie B said...

Thanks for posting this - hope to see many residents at the AGM. We are hosting coffee and treats in the morning and a BBQ lunch after the meeting. See you at the Lac Le Jeune Lodge on Sunday, July 20/08 at 10:00 am.