This idea started with a brochure I spotted while waiting in a line up at the bank back in February. The Vancouver Marathon was featuring a nordic walking category. It sounded like fun, and for sure my only hope of ever doing a marathon is to walk, not run.
So the planning began. I drafted up a training schedule and shared it with Lucy Lindros, the only friend who didn't stare blankly at the mention of driving all the way to Vancouver to walk 42 kilometres. We realized from the schedule that we needed to get started right away. Oh and that one day every weekend would be used up by a BIG l o n g walk. Plus we might have to give up some other fun stuff because you can only fit so many things into one day and well, we'd be walking a lot. Then the trip to Vancouver. Well, we'd need to spend a couple nights in a hotel, preferably close to downtown. And we'd better book right away!
A few things came up that first week of training. Instead of one day off we took 7. Hey, we're busy people. Nothing wrong with starting the following week, I say. We'll still make it! But geez sometimes the weather isn't very good in February. Maybe we should start in March?
I think the real turning point in our plan was when we talked about how aimless it seems to be walking all day just for the sake of going the distance. That's it! We need a destination! And something less traveling, no big training programme, no big expenses. Let's do something local, we thought. So let's see, what would be a good destination?
A pub, of course! Please join us!
Date: July 1, 2008
Departure time: 8:00 AM
Starting point: Lookout Road
Destination: Duffy's Pub
Questions?: Post them here or email
Check Route
Nordic walking poles optional
Support vehicles welcome :-)
Beer sign photo
by Whatknot
by Whatknot
1 comment:
Lots of people have been asking about this non marathon event. We didn't do it! It's a long story (injuries, broken septic pump, life) Thanks to all the concerned supporters who were looking for us on the old highway! We'll take any rain checks on the beers you were planning to buy us! :-)
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