Saturday, October 18, 2008

Heartland Food Coop

Heartland Foods and Farm Tours Cooperative is an organization of local farmers and ranchers who produce a broad range of products. You name it -- eggs, freshly picked fruits and vegetables, grass fed beef, lamb, and bison, chicken, pasta + flours, preserves, cheese, a variety of breads and other goodies. It's nice to have such convenient access to food that hasn't traveled thousands of miles and isn't loaded up with the usual hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, perservatives, and animal by-products.

They offer an email ordering service that I've been using for a few weeks now. Here's how it works:
  1. Send email to to let them know you would like to be included in their weekly mail out.
  2. Each Thursday you will receive a "Fresh List" of items that are available that week.
  3. Respond with your order. They appreciate receiving it before the weekend.
  4. Pick it up at 996 Laval Crescent (High Country Storage) anytime after 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, or on Thursday.
The also have a variety of frozen and non-perishable items in the store that you can pick up any time.

If others are interested in this service we could organize a Lac Le Jeune pick up. Just let me know! Add a comment here or send email to

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