Saturday, September 24, 2011

Washer and Dryer


Frigidaire front load washer and dryer set. 11 years old. The dryer works fine and has only been used occasionally. The washer drum has come loose and needs to be repaired. 

Pick up one or the other or both before September 30th. 

Contact Sylvia Currie, 250-377-0063,

Friday, September 23, 2011


I would like to comment on the Lac Le Jeune CONSERVATION Association meeting last week.

The constitution of the LLJCA reads:

“The purposes of the association are:
a) To help ensure the protection and conservation of our physical environment: the air, water, forest, and wildlife that surround us.
b) To care for and preserve the natural beauty of Lac Le Jeune and surrounding area for the enjoyment and recreation of all.”

Have we as a group lost sight of the purposes of the association? I am concerned that our focus now seems to be on the residents rather than the environment in which we live. The fact that the presentation on the Ajax mine proposal was not included in the LLJCA meeting, the lack of interest shown by a few LLJCA members, including executive members, and the comment made that it was not in the association’s best interest to be part of the Ajax Mine discussion are all examples of the apparent lack of concern for the place in which we live.

There are many conservation issues that could be addressed at our local level. An example might be to inform/educate people about the fragile environment we live in. At the trailhead at Stake Lake there is a well done information board about the uses, history, plants and wildlife in the Stake Lake Trail system. A board like that would be beneficial at the trailhead of the Gus Johnson, the road to Rossmore Lake and/or the bottom of the old “racetrack” trail system by the little lake.

Maybe we should be looking at some trail enhancement, such as little bridges over wet areas or highly used places. At Hudson Bay Mountain in Smithers, the Mountain Bike Association has done an amazing job with the trails. They applied for and received considerable grant money for their trail work. Maybe there is some grant money that could be available to our community (in consultation with the appropriate government agencies) to hire people to help us improve the trail system here.

Many small communities build and maintain bluebird boxes. You will notice these on the fences on the way to Logan Lake and a few around the ski hill area here.

Another example might be to use our association to put pressure on the Forestry Ministry to ensure the surrounding logged areas are replanted in a “timely” manner. Take a drive out to some of the areas that were reforested 8-10 years ago and you will be amazed at the growth that has happened. We cannot see that here in our logged areas.

What about an information handout to new residents, covering topics like fire restrictions, maintaining range fences, appropriate care of septics, refuse care to avoid attracting our 4 legged friends, etc? When we built our house we had to sign off on a list of topics like this before we were given a building permit. I do not think that happens anymore.

As development in our area continues and it becomes a busier place, we need to establish stewardship of this beautiful place we are privileged to live in.

Submitted by Bev Lorimer, September 23, 2011
Resident since 2000
A friend and user of this area since 1988.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association AGM and Ajax Mine Discussion

Map of the Proposed Ajax Mine Site (click photo to enlarge)

For Lac Le Jeune residents who were unable to attend the AGM of the Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association on Saturday, September 17, minutes will be sent out to all residents via email by the association's secretary.

The discussion of the proposed Ajax Mine project and it's impact on our community was removed from the LLJCA proposed agenda by members of the executive and instead was held after the AGM had officially adjourned. A speaker from the Kamloops Area Preservation Association (KAPA), John Schleiermacher, was present to give residents an overview of the project and to address concerns by KAPA that complete information was not being provided by the Ajax Mine proponents. A representative from the Ajax Mine had also been asked to speak at this meeting, but declined. Foremost on the KAPA agenda is to gather signatures via petition and to encourage letter writing to request a more comprehensive review than the one currently being used to make the final decisions on this project. KAPA is pushing for transparency regarding the future operation of the mine, something all Kamloops and Lac Le Jeune residents deserve. Much of the information and the facts and figures that Mr. Schleiermacher provided in the meeting can be found on the KAPA website, Stop the Ajax Mine. Petitions were available to sign at the meeting which will be presented to the Kamloops City Council. Signatures on a petition for the TNRD have also been sent to Ronaye Elliott, our representative with TNRD, who was present for both the AGM and the Ajax Mine discussion afterward.
  • If you have further questions about the Ajax Mine project for John Schleiermacher, he can be reached by email at
  • If you would like to gather signatures requesting that the city of Kamloops request a more comprehensive review of the project, please print the petition and circulate it for signatures. Completed petitions may be returned to John Schleiermacher (email him for his mailing address: ) or return them to Jenny or Jeff Perry (250-372-8612). Petitions may also be signed at the Kamloops Farmers' Market downtown on Saturdays.
  • If you, as an individual, would like to send a letter requesting a more comprehensive review of the proposed Ajax Mine project, please print and mail this letter to the Honourable Peter Kent, Minister of Environment in Ottawa. This is a sample letter and may be edited to reflect your personal concerns about the proposed mine.
  • And if you would like to view or print a brochure with concise information about the proposed project, it is now available here from the Stop the Ajax Mine website.
During the AGM, members were again reminded about the Lac Le Jeune - Life in our Community Blog as a resource for information about our community. If you're reading this now, please take a moment to bookmark this site and join via the link on the right sidebar. You can also add it to Google Reader or any other subscription service you may use. The Lac Le Jeune Blog also has an option to follow by email.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Snow Plow for Sale

We have a 6'10" Snowbear Snow Plow for sale. All controls and skid plates included. Great condition. $750.00 obo. Call 250-372-5920 Lac le Jeune.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

LLJCA Annual General Meeting

Saturday, September 17, 2011 10:00 am – 11:30 am 
Lac Le Jeune Resort Meeting Room (downstairs) 

  1. Approval of AGM Minutes of August 7, 2010 
  2. President’s Report 
  3. Treasurer’s Report 
  4. Enhancement Plan Update 
  5. TNRD Updates 
  6. Ski Hill Rezoning Update 
  7. Annual Pumpkin Hunt Halloween Party 
  8. RCMP Report 
  9. Lac Le Jeune Blog 
  10. Stake Lake Observation Dome -

  11. Other/Question Period 
  12. Ajax Mine Project – This item will be held until October as the Ajax people will have a more comprehensive plan in place to present to the Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association at that time.*
*Note there is a request to invite a representative from the Kamloops Area Preservation Association (KAPA) to speak at this time.