Map of the Proposed Ajax Mine Site (click photo to enlarge)
For Lac Le Jeune residents who were unable to attend the AGM of the Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association on Saturday, September 17, minutes will be sent out to all residents via email by the association's secretary.
The discussion of the proposed Ajax Mine project and it's impact on our community was removed from the LLJCA proposed agenda by members of the executive and instead was held after the AGM had officially adjourned. A speaker from the Kamloops Area Preservation Association (KAPA), John Schleiermacher, was present to give residents an overview of the project and to address concerns by KAPA that complete information was not being provided by the Ajax Mine proponents. A representative from the Ajax Mine had also been asked to speak at this meeting, but declined. Foremost on the KAPA agenda is to gather signatures via petition and to encourage letter writing to request a more comprehensive review than the one currently being used to make the final decisions on this project. KAPA is pushing for transparency regarding the future operation of the mine, something all Kamloops and Lac Le Jeune residents deserve. Much of the information and the facts and figures that Mr. Schleiermacher provided in the meeting can be found on the KAPA website, Stop the Ajax Mine. Petitions were available to sign at the meeting which will be presented to the Kamloops City Council. Signatures on a petition for the TNRD have also been sent to Ronaye Elliott, our representative with TNRD, who was present for both the AGM and the Ajax Mine discussion afterward.
- If you have further questions about the Ajax Mine project for John Schleiermacher, he can be reached by email at johnschlr@aol.com.
- If you would like to gather signatures requesting that the city of Kamloops request a more comprehensive review of the project, please print the petition and circulate it for signatures. Completed petitions may be returned to John Schleiermacher (email him for his mailing address: johnschlr@aol.com ) or return them to Jenny or Jeff Perry (250-372-8612). Petitions may also be signed at the Kamloops Farmers' Market downtown on Saturdays.
- If you, as an individual, would like to send a letter requesting a more comprehensive review of the proposed Ajax Mine project, please print and mail this letter to the Honourable Peter Kent, Minister of Environment in Ottawa. This is a sample letter and may be edited to reflect your personal concerns about the proposed mine.
- And if you would like to view or print a brochure with concise information about the proposed project, it is now available here from the Stop the Ajax Mine website.
During the AGM, members were again reminded about the Lac Le Jeune - Life in our Community Blog as a resource for information about our community. If you're reading this now, please take a moment to bookmark this site and join via the link on the right sidebar. You can also add it to Google Reader or any other subscription service you may use. The Lac Le Jeune Blog also has an option to follow by email.
has this area not been impacted by the largest natural disaster already, the trees are gone now lets kill the ground and everything that uses it
please were not greedy stupid humans
Good point, just wish we knew how to stop stupid human disasters from happening!
well, when the pipeline blows we'll be famous. but like i always say, what good is an economy when you haven't got a planet?
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