Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Water Stewardship - Working Group Meeting

Marge Sidney, Water Technician for Ministry of Environment Water Stewardship Division, and Thompson Nicola Regional Director of the BC Lake Stewardship Society visited Lac Le Jeune yesterday evening and met with members of the LLJCA Water Stewardship Working Group.

Topics covered and items for follow-up included:

  1. Ways to provide outflow and flushing from the Little Lake (which is one cause of the large fish kill this past spring).
  2. Sources of funding for groups such as the Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association for environment enhancement projects.
  3. Ministries such as Water Rights, Fisheries, Water Management (MOE), Forestry and Parks that are in a position to make decisions that could impact Lac Le Jeune and contact people in those Ministries.
  4. Invasive Species (terrestrial) contacts.
  5. Water contact person for Lac Le Jeune at the local MOE.

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