Saturday, May 11, 2013

Little Free Library

"Have you ever heard of Little Free Libraries?" I asked one morning on a dog walk, obviously to the right person. John Krawchuk is the carpenter who made it happen. Colleen Krawchuk and I are the painters. Perry Wingenbach and Ed Duffy donated materials. And Gregg Lindros contributed the first book!

Little Free Libraries are popping up all over the world. The idea is simple. Anyone can browse or borrow or keep books, DVDs, or magazines. There’s no recordkeeping, and no obligation to return the books — ever. However, replenishing the stock by donating back is much appreciated!

We have registered the library and expect to receive a "steward package" in the mail soon. After that we will post our library on the map.

The library is located at the end of Lookout Road. The colours are bright, so you can't miss it. Wander on by!

John breaks ground

Sylvia gets the honours of first shovel of dirt

John fills in around the post

Ginger helps

John adds the sign

Gregg Lindros contributes the first book!

Already filling up!


Bev said...

great idea!

Steve Roy said...

Look forward to visiting the Library. A big thanks to those who took the time to get it setup.

Sylvia Currie said...

Thanks Bev! Thanks Steve! There's some good stuff in there, including recent movies and kids' books. Well, at least there was last time I checked ;-) I think the next thing we need is a bench. Sometimes it's good to sit a spell during the browsing phase.

Colleen Strahl said...

What a great idea and it looks great! Will try to make it over soon with some books!

Sylvia Currie said...

Great, Colleen. And be sure to take a book or few as well!