Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thank You! Red-Winged Blackbird Social

Thank you! To:

The wonderful hosts at Lac Le Jeune Wilderness Resort

The CHEFS! (Wasn't that food amazing?)

The 76 people who purchased dinner tickets

The DJ who kept us entertained

The dancers and game participants who kept us even more entertained!

Everyone who helped to spread the word

Those who travelled from afar and braved the horrible winter highway conditions to attend the supper

The "social" committee for all the planning and preparation

LLJCA Area Reps who sold tickets

The special guests who joined us for the evening

All the generous people who donated gifts for the door and spot prizes 

Clever people who posted excellent ideas on our post-it wall (I'll compile them in a separate post)

Volunteers for the Lake Monitoring Project

The thoughtful residents who gave their tickets away when they realized they could not attend

The recipients of those free tickets who, in exchange, left some hefty tips for the servers

The many creative folks who picked up the crayons and markers to doodle, draw, and play games on tables

The red-winged blackbirds, for returning to Lac Le Jeune right on schedule!

Red-wing Blackbird (agelaius phoenicus)

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