Monday, April 13, 2015

Keep wildlife wild, and communities safe

Photo by Steve Marcyniuk

From Wildsafe BC:

This photo was originally posted on the Kamloops WildSafeBC page but because of developments in the story it is something that we should share throughout the province. This young bear was photographed around April 6th, 12 km. out of town, eating grass and doing what a bear should be doing at this time of year. 
Unfortunately, people, either through ignorance or just wanting to see a bear up close, have started feeding the bear. Reports now have the bear approaching vehicles that stop in the area and its expectation is to be fed. 
We know how this will probably play out. The bear, as it grows, will become more aggressive in its search for food from humans and at some point will become a safety risk and may have to be destroyed. 
The solution is simple: don't feed bears. If you see people feeding bears please contact 1-877-952-7277 to report their activity. 

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