Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tips for reduce your water use

photo by stacey.d
Kady Wong, an environmental geography student and Zero Waste Communications Assistant for the Simon Fraser University Sustainability Office, published the following tips for reducing water use. It is shared here with permission.
  1. Keep a pitcher of water in the fridge rather than letting your tap run to get cold water.
  2. Water your gardens* in the morning to reduce water loss from evaporation. (And don’t over water them: They only need about one inch of water a week and this includes when it rains.)
  3. Repair any leaky faucets and toilets. A single dripping faucet can waste up to 20 gallons of water a day!
  4. Use recycled water from a rain barrel to water your plants.
  5. Purchase native grasses, shrubs and trees as opposed to exotic plants. Native species require much less water.
  6. Reuse your cooking water. After boiling water for pasta or washing vegetables, use the leftover water to water your garden. 
  7. Only do a load of laundry or dishes when the load is full. 
  8. Use a broom to clean walkways and driveways rather than hosing off these areas. 
  9. Don’t use your toilet to dispose of waste. Flush only when necessary! 
  10. Place a bucket in the shower when you’re waiting for the water to warm up. Use this clean water for cleaning or watering your plants. (And keep those showers short: Try for 5 minutes or less.)
* The original post suggested watering lawns in the morning as well. In a natural setting like Lac Le Jeune perhaps it is best to refrain from watering lawns entirely. 

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