These snippets from the Ministry of Environment are definitely worth noting in light of the proposed Ajax Mine.
"The public can assist in the conservation of British Columbia’s Sandhill Cranes in several ways. This vulnerable species needs space and seclusion, and should only be viewed from a respectful distance. Because available nest records are few, any sightings of nests or of cranes with flightless young should be reported to the nearest BC Environment office. Observations of any activities that could harm these birds or their habitat should also be reported."
"Known resting stops further north are the Knutsford area near Kamloops, Bechers Prairie west of Williams Lake, and the Bulkley and Kispiox valleys."
- Low population growth rates due to late sexual maturity and small number of young each year, means a slow recovery rate after disturbances.
- Loss of important crane habitat due to drainage projects, agricultural development and logging.
Management Considerations
- Cranes are sensitive to disturbance; birds may desert a nest due to intrusive disturbance.
- Protect key habitats such as wetlands and grasslands.
- Advocate Sandhill Crane research and land acquisition proposals that will benefit the cranes.
- View these sensitive birds from a distance.
- Contact your local Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection office to report sightings of nests and cranes with young.
Thanks Sylvia for recording this. It's always so nice to hear and see them flying over. Carolyn
Thanks Sylvia. What a great sight and sound!!!!
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