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Lac Le Jeune Conservation AssociationAnnual General Meeting
Sept 22, 2019
Meeting called to order 11:12
Adoption of minutes for the 2018 AGM.
Moved Hugh and seconded by Howie.
Moved Hugh and seconded by Howie.
Treasurer’s Report:
Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association 2018 Financial Report
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Balance at 04/30/2018
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TNRD-Conservation Projects
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AGM Expenses
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BC Society Annual Report
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Copying - Membership/LLJCA Info
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Balanace at 04/30/219
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GIC Current Value
We were recently notified that our BC Lake Stewardship Society dues were past due and rectified this with a $50 cheque being mailed and received by them in August. LLJCA is now in good standing with BCLSS. This is annual fee and will appear next year on the Treasurer’s Report.
Report adopted.
Moved by Carolyn and Seconded by Steve.
Moved by Carolyn and Seconded by Steve.
Water Monitoring:
Speakers Hugh Burton and Marge Sidney
Hugh has done a few samples this year. He is looking again for volunteers to assist with the monitor. It takes an hour and a half to do both Big and Little lakes. Consistent dates for monitoring is his desire. He would also like to sample Pasca lake three times per year. If he had support, Hugh would also like to monitor McConnell Lake. Hugh would like to see a volunteer fish measuring and tracking plan for the Park. It would be great to know the information from anglers to help determine the health of the fishing in LLJ. Discussion ensued regarding the fish-health in Pasco and recent fish monitoring which evidenced very few fish caught. The belief is that Pasca has been over-fished. There is concern for our lake regarding the fish-stocking and the size of the fishing being taken from our lake. Marge suggested Hugh contact Randy Lambright CAO in Logan Lake as new survival suites were recently purchased and could possibly be borrowed for use during testing. Two volunteers came forward but Hugh is still looking for more assistance. Please contact Hugh directly if anyone is interested. Vital information is obtained and worth the time.
Marge Sidney has retired from her 40+ years in the Ministry but now is working with the BC Lake Stewardship Society. She recently spent March working with BMIT at Pasca lake and will be doing more testing up there in 2020. BCLSS almost folded but has recently received a $100,000 GOVT grant and amalgamated data from several GOVT agencies. This agency is looking to reconnect with lake groups like LLJ. Funding is available from an unlikely source, LUSH, and BCLSS have funds available for projects, education and collection of data. Marge reiterated the importance of LLJ continuing to collect data on the lakes. The Secchi disk is a good example of a simple testing device, used from the mid 1800’s, but is still useful today. Marge had a good example of how important our water is: BC River’s day is today (Sept 22nd). When the salmon swim upstream to spawn, they rest in the cool water of the various creeks that pour into the main river they are traversing. Because of various reasons like climate change and logging, these streams are warmer and the fish are now stopping to rest. Less salmon are making it to their spawning areas and spawning because of die off. Marge will be our contact at BCLSS and will continue to work with us. Marge wanted to notify us of the BCLSS Conference in Winfield in October. Information will be posted on the blog regarding this. (Note: already posted here)
TNRD Area J Representative – Ronaye Elliot:
Ronaye announced that this is her last term with the TNRD and the job will be up for election in 2022. Ronaye was proud of the work she’d been able to accomplish including recent funding to the Overlander Ski club for the completion of their warming hut. She also was able to provide our LLJCA $1,500 last year. “Squatters” were a concern for the TNRD and was mentioned in the media this past week. Basically, people are prohibited from living in their RV whether it is in a community like LLJ or in the bush. Many of us have seen these “squatters” along LLJ road. The TNRD doesn’t want to bang on people’s RV door but it is illegal and will be address if a complaint is made. A suggestion had been made to her to look into an area that residence can take their yard waste to, close to LLJ. Ronaye said she had made a point of investigating the logistics of that and basically, it can’t be done. Residents will have to continue to deal with it on their own property or take the yard waste to Logan Lake. There had been a site available to residents during the pine beetle die off but people were dumping garbage there and it had to be discontinued. Someone brought up the poor condition of the drive way leading into the transfer station and Ronaye suggested we contact the road contractor VSA to work on that. CC Jake Devion on the request. Ronaye did mention that there might be funds available to work on the bike path around the lake; these funds were available through the gas tax and to email her.
Clean Drain Dry Partners:
Cindy Swain had been contacted by the Clean Drain Dry Partners regarding signage of the same. Somehow we had appeared on a partner list and were eligible to have up to three signs provided to us. The boat launch at the park now had a sign but a suggestion came in to have a sign at the main entrance to the community. Cindy had emailed Michelle Weibe at BC Parks regarding the north side of the lake but had not received a response. It was also suggested that we might as well ask for the three signs and then find spots for them. Cindy will email the program back to make that request. Marge knew of the group. There are various BC Watercraft Inspection Stations in BC along the boards to prevent the spread of invasive muscles. There is only one 24 monitor station in our area at Kicking Horse east of Golden. There are now two muscle sniffing dogs. There have been 40 documented cases of the Inspection Stations detecting muscles.
RCMP Logan Lake:
Although a representative from the Logan Lake detachment could not attend the meeting, they had asked that two topics be addressed: The detachment had received complaints of quads and dirt bikes riding on the community streets. This is illegal. Even if the quad is licensed, that does not make it legal to ride on community roads and logging roads. They have driven through the community a few times lately. They are also aware of the vandalism in the summer and it was addressed. However, there have been recent issues at the Park and people are asked to be on the lookout for suspicious behavior and to report it. More volunteers are needed for the community watch/COP (Communities on Patrol) program. The detachment has the application and applicants must agree to a background check. The minimum commitment is 2 hours per month. At present, there are three volunteers in LLJ.
Greater Kamloops Motorcycle Association:
Because of the issue with illegal riding in LLJ, Denis Rombough was contacted regarding memberships. Chuwels Mountain, Inks Lake, and Greenstone Mountain have 500 km of groomed, monitored and mapped trails. The closest staging area is less than 10 minutes down the road. Membership is $20 per Adult and $30 per family. This gives members access to trail maps on their smart phones. Residents of LLJ are encouraged to look into this.
Invasive Plant Program:
No funding was available to the TNRD in 2019 but should be secured in 2020. Knapp weed is a big concern in area J. Residents are encouraged to pull the plants in your yard before it blooms and put it in your garbage. VSA are aware of the issue and are trying to mow the road shoulders prior to blooming periods. Dr Catherine Tarasoff will contact the Association in 2020 to move forward.
No other business was brought up or discussed.
Sylvia Currie, Secretary of the Association, has decided to step aside. Sylvia has graciously offered to continue to assist with updating the blog with Association-related content. Jim Phillips has also decided to step aside as an area rep but was approached by two neighbours who have offered to take over his area as reps.
Leyla Johnson, Jacquie Brugger and Pat Carroll have agreed to let their name stand although they were not in attendance at the meeting.
The following members were voted in:
Cindy Swain – President
Corinne Schock – Vice President
Leyla Johnson – Treasurer
Isabelle – Secretary
Meeting adjourned 12:27
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