Sunday, August 30, 2020

Mice in your house?

This year mice seem to be seeking indoor living spaces earlier than usual! It may be related to the cool start to the season. This information about controlling mice was submitted by biologist Roberta Roberta Olenick.


Please do not use poison to get rid of mice. I know they can be a problem if they come inside your house, but poison is not an appropriate way to address the problem. A poisoned mouse, even if still alive, can pass the poison on to innocent victims including pets and wildlife.

Poisons used to control mice not only cause a slow and inhumanely cruel death to mice and other rodents, they also kill non-target species including owls and other raptors as well as mammals including cats and other pets. Rodents that have ingested the poison and are thus weakened but not yet dead are easy prey for predators who then die from ingesting the poisoned rodents as secondary victims. Dead rodents are eaten by scavengers who again are secondarily poisoned. Secondary doses of poison that do not kill outright still have serious impacts on the health and long term survival of birds and other wildlife as well as pets.

Even if you put the poison only inside your house, that does not solve the problem of non-target species getting poisoned. A poisoned mouse can easily leave your house before it dies and get eaten by your neighbour’s cat, an owl...

Glue traps are inhumane, causing slow and agonizing death, and may catch non-target species.

The good news is there are far safer and more effective ways to control rodents besides poisons and sticky glue traps. Snap-traps usually kill mice quickly without harming non-target species. Even more humane is a live trap to catch the mice and then relocating them away from your home. Here is a link to how to make your own live trap using common household items.

You could also try cayenne pepper to keep mice away. Also, steel wool to block gaps where they are entering your house works extremely well.

Here are a couple of links about the serious negative impacts of rodent poisons on owls. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Anglers - Clean Dry Drain

Do you practice clean angling? Be sure to clean all equipment including waders, reels, nets and lines to stop the spread of aquatic invasive species. Clean, Drain, Dry to protect BC waters from invasive species.


Friday, August 21, 2020

Reminder about lake speed limits!

The speed limit for motorized boats is 20 km/hour. It can be tempting to travel at a higher speed if you have a large motor, but please reserve that temptation for visits to larger lakes! 

This speed limit is set to protect our shoreline habitat, but it also ensures our shared recreational swimming, paddling, and fishing activities are more enjoyable and safe for all. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Clean Drain Dry - Why and How to Protect BC's Waters

Protect BC's lakes from an aquatic invasive species invasion! It's as easy as Clean, Drain, Dry! Here's what you need to know and why you should care.

BCLSS Loonie News - August 2020

 Reposted with permission:

BCLSS Loonie News
August 2020


Mark your calendars! This year’s Annual General Meeting will be held via conference call onMonday, September 21 at 12:00 (PDT).

In order for us to reach quorum at the AGM, we require a minimum of 17 members in good standing (including BCLSS Directors). Please consider participating so that we can easily meet or possibly exceed this number!

Please note that nominations for the BCLSS Board of Directors are not taken from the floor at the AGM. Letters of intent and nominations can be submitted to the BCLSS at by September 1, 2020. More information can be found here.

Please contact us to let us know if you are able to participate in the AGM or if you would like more information.

Secchi Dip-In Data Sheets

Did you participate in Secchi Dip-In this year? If so, please send us your data sheets as soon as possible. If you took Secchi readings as part of the BC Lake Stewardship and Monitoring Program during the month of July, please send us your clarity and temperature readings and we will include them in our final report. The Secchi Dip-In provides a snapshot of lake water quality throughout the province as well as the rest of the world. Scientists and volunteers can get a sense of how transparency varies according to water type, regional geology, and land use.

BCLSS Lake Stewardship Guidebook

In British Columbia and across Canada, people are becoming increasingly concerned about the health of lakes and watersheds. These concerns may inspire individuals and groups to take on community projects, water quality monitoring, advocacy, and education. This guidebook is based on our LakeKeepers Manual and provides general information on lake stewardship. It also provides extensive information on stewardship group formation as well as tips and resources to help keep your lake healthy. Download the Stewardship Guidebook here.

Announcements and Reminders

Alberta Lake Management Society Webinar Series
This year ALMS is hosting a September webinar series with the support of Alberta Environment and Parks in lieu of their annual in-person conference.

Join ALMS online every Friday morning in September to hear from speakers from across North America on a range of exciting topics! Information and registration here.

BCWF Wetlandkeepers workshops have gone virtual!
Due to COVID-19, all in-person workshops have been updated for an online setting. Participants have the opportunity to explore wetlands through games, interactive activities, and expert guest speakers. More information can be found on th
BCWF website.

Community Gaming Grants - Environment Applications
Community Gaming Grant Program Guidelines have been updated for 2020. Apply between July 1 and August 31 for programs that revitalize, protect, or provide education about BC's ecosystems and environment. Information on eligibility and applications can be found here.

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation Stewardship Grants
Any individual, group, or agency that has a good idea to help fish, wildlife, or habitat in BC is eligible to apply. Activities funded include projects that focus on creating stewards and engaging people to increase their knowledge, awareness, and understanding of fish, wildlife, and their habitats. Please see their website for more information.

BCLSS Annual Conference Postponed
Due to COVID-19, the BCLSS Annual Conference has been postponed until 2021. We will be offering a virtual mini-symposium this fall (date TBD). More information to follow.


News and Information

The Fine Print: How to remove water weeds properly

Metro Vancouver to invest over $1 billion to secure region's water supply for next century
Not a member of the BCLSS yet?
Please consider joining our network of lake stewards! For more information on the benefits of membership, please visit our 
Thank you to LUSH for funding the
BC Lake Stewardship Engagement Initiative
The BCLSS gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Government of British Columbia through the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Hot Summer of 1960 at Lac Le Jeune!

Murray Foubister / CC BY-SA 

1960 was a HOT summer in the B.C. interior.
It was 60 years ago that the B.C. Forest Service , on July 26, 1960, was rushing an extra 100 men and 8 bulldozers to a forest fire that originated over the ridge about 5 miles from Lace Le Jeune Lodge.
On July 27th, it was said the fire was now 1,000 acres and being fought by 200 men and 18 bulldozers.
This fire had jumped a fire guard and 33 firefighters were evacuated by helicopter on July 29th.  Fires’ edge was now only 2 1/2 miles from  the Lac Le Jeune lodge  and away from the Frogmore Lake lodge.  People, summer residents of the “Old Townsite”, north side of Lac Le Jeune, were removing the smaller items from their cabins.
Cattle of the Frolek Cattle Co. were also being removed from the area.
As at August 9th, trees remained on the south shoreline of Lac Le Jeune, but John and Muriel Whitaker’s ski hill operation was destroyed, but would see greater skiing over the coming winters.
The beaver aircraft of Pacific Western Airlines, in November 1960, had seeded the areas of Squam Bay and the “Dean” fire, between Merritt and Boston Bar.  Arrangements were being made to seed the Lac Le Jeune area burnt by the  summer fire.
Top stories of the year, of the Kamloops Daily Sentinel were the articles on forest fires.
To the residents of the upper and lower subdivision, it might mean the green forested area, surrounding you, have being growing for approximately 59 years.
Researched using Kamloops Daily Sentinel.
Neil Burton/ Aug. 4, 2020.