Thursday, August 26, 2021

BCLSS Loonie News - August 2021

BCLSS Newsletter
August 2021
*Reposted with permission*

The Importance of Measuring Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature in Lakes

Oxygen is essential to nearly all organisms on earth including life in lakes. Given that fish breathe oxygen dissolved in water (referred to as dissolved oxygen or DO), the sport fisheries and healthy aquatic ecosystems that many of us enjoy, are absolutely dependent on water having an adequate supply of DO. Its concentration also has a great effect on the biochemical nature of a lake. Long-term changes in oxygen concentration, especially at the lake bottom, can markedly affect nutrient availability and alter the productivity of the entire lake. As such, oxygen is one of the most important resources influencing lake management and its measurement should be part of any lake sampling program. 

What is Dissolved Oxygen?
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is the amount of oxygen (O2 ) molecules that are dissolved into the water. The amount of O2 that is dissolved in a lake depends on several factors including the mixing that occurs during the overturn of a lake, the amount of wind action a lake experiences, the temperature of the lake, the number of plants that photosynthesize in the lake, and daily fluctuation patterns. 

The transfer of oxygen from the air to the lake is facilitated by increasing the surface area exposed to the atmosphere. The surface area of a water body in contact with the atmosphere is increased by wind-driven waves and ripples, as well as by forcing water into droplets by splashing over obstacles or forcing through a fountain, for example. 

While O2 transfer to a water body is primarily through the atmosphere, photosynthesis by aquatic plants also plays a role in the amount of DO in a lake. The net effect on DO concentration is usually very small or neutral since comparable amounts of DO are consumed by these same organisms at night through respiration, when photosynthesis is not actively occurring. In addition to the respiration needs of photosynthetic organisms during darkness, oxygen within the system is also consumed through aerobic respiration by other organisms including: aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates, and bacterial and fungal communities involved in degrading dead plants and animals. 

How do DO and temperature change throughout a lake?
Oxygen concentrations and cycling are mainly dependent on the lake thermal stratification patterns which are seasonally variable. Thermal stratification is a physical response to the effect of solar heating to water’s properties of temperature and density. Generally, water density decreases as temperature increases. Warm water is less dense than cold water so it will be found towards the surface and cold water will be found near the bottom of the lake. If this held true for the winter, ice would form on the bottom of lakes. Ice, floats due to the expanded volume of water molecules when in the solid, crystal phase. Because water expands as it freezes, ice is slightly less dense and a bit lighter than water. Therefore, water is most dense at 4°C – not at 0°C when it freezes. 

During the spring and fall, lakes become completely mixed when temperatures are similar top to bottom, and wind energy overcomes the reduced temperature and density differences between surface and bottom waters. Water temperature and density are similar throughout the lake depth and a complete mixing of water, oxygen, and nutrients can occur. This is called turnover.

With the onset of summer, the lake’s vertical oxygen profile will begin to change as the lake warms and separates into layers controlled by temperature and thus water density (Figure 1). The upper layer of water will have contact with atmospheric oxygen and light allowing for diffusion of oxygen into the water and oxygen production by photosynthetic action of rooted aquatic plants and algae. This oxygen will not, however, be available to underlying waters. Waters of the lower layers in the lake have no contact with oxygen during the summer and are too dark to support most photosynthetic plants. The thermocline is found in the middle of the lake and is defined by a temperature change of at least 1°C per vertical meter and marks the transition between the top and bottom layers. This temperature/density gradient can be very sharp and can effectively prevent the mixing of the top and bottom layers. 

Figure 1. Lake stratification in the summer

The depth of the thermocline and overall lake stratification depends on factors including the local climate and the size and depth of a lake. In order to capture changes in the water column, DO and temperature should be measured every 1 meter from the surface to the lake bottom at regular intervals throughout the ice-free portion of the year.  

Why take dissolved oxygen and temperature profiles?
A profile is done by measuring DO and T at regular intervals (e.g., every meter from the lake surface to 1 m above the lake bottom). By developing an understanding of what DO and temperature look like from the surface to the bottom of the lake, more insight can be gained concerning the health of the lake. With climate warming, it is becoming increasingly important to document DO and T profiles for lakes in order to better predict locations and time periods that may experience increased or decreased DO concentrations in relation to changing temperatures. 

How to take DO and temperature profiles?
The best way to measure DO and temperature in a water column is to use an oxygen meter which measures the amount of dissolved oxygen in an aqueous solution and has a built-in thermometer so that temperature can be recorded with every DO reading. There are other methods available to measure DO such as the Winkler method, however, these methods are more cumbersome, time consuming, and more prone to user error, making it challenging to obtain an accurate profile of a lake. DO instruments can be purchased at a reasonable cost and are relatively easy to use by lake stewards, requiring  only a short training session.

When assessing water quality and the health of a lake, dissolved oxygen is one of the most important parameters as it is essential for the survival of aquatic organisms. When oxygen becomes too low, fish and other aquatic organisms become stressed and may die. Nutrient availability and productivity of the entire lake rely on the concentration of DO in a lake, so it is important to monitor for changes in order to implement best management practices. 

By taking profiles of a lake, it may be possible to detect changes to the depth of the thermocline, or changes in the time of lake turnover, which can have marked effects on DO and nutrient cycling. Due to the sensitivity of lakes and lake ecosystems to climate change, it is important that proactive measures be taken to better predict how lakes throughout BC will respond. The more lakes that provide temperature and DO profiles, the more data points there will be for different regions and lake characteristics so that steps can be taken to mitigate impacts or provide information in advance of an extreme shift.  

If you would like to learn more about monitoring dissolved oxygen and temperature changes in your lake, contact the BCLSS for information.

British Columbia Lake Stewardship Society (2021). Chapter Three: An Introduction to Lakes, LakeKeepers Manual 2021 Edition, accessed May 2021. 

Wilson, P. C. (2010). Water Quality Notes: Dissolved Oxygen. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension (IFAS). University of Florida. EDIS, 2010(2), retrieved May 2021 from

YSI Inc. (2021). Dissolved Oxygen Measurement in Water with Oxygen Meters, retrieved May 2021 from

Volunteer on the BCLSS Board of Directors 

Would you like to work towards preserving and protecting lakes while gaining valuable leadership skills and learning more about environmental non-profits and stewardship groups? If so, volunteering on the BCLSS Board of Directors could be a great opportunity for you. Please see here for more information and requirements. Letters of intent and nominations are due by September 17, 2021. There will be no nominations from the floor at the AGM, which will be held on September 29 from 12 pm - 1 pm PDT via Zoom. Please register for the AGM here.

Call for Secchi Dip-In Data

Did you participate in Secchi Dip-In this year? If so, please submit your completed forms on our website or send to If you took Secchi readings as part of the BC Lake Stewardship and Monitoring Program during the month of July, you can use that data to participate in the Secchi Dip-In, just fill out this form and submit. The Secchi Dip-In provides a snapshot of lake water quality throughout the province as well as the rest of the world. Scientists and volunteers can get a sense of how transparency varies according to water type, regional geology, and land use. Thank you to those who have already sent in their forms! So far we have received data from over 30 lakes across BC.

Lake Blitz Update

The Lake Blitz has been active since the May long weekend, the project kicked off with the launch of the Lake Biodiversity Photo Challenge. Since then, we have met with stewardship groups in Ontario and BC, and have developed Lake Blitz hubs with the regional BC Parks, Wildsight Revelstoke, Bay Area Restoration Council, and the BC Lake Stewardship Society. We currently have 50 active monitoring volunteers who are gathering temperature and photo data on their local lakes. The majority of the participants are from BC and Ontario, although we have lakes being monitored in Yukon, Quebec, and Nova Scotia.

The photo challenge has been a huge success with over 200 photos entered from lakes across Canada. Winners will be announced at the end of August so stay tuned!

Our social media team has been sharing details about the Secchi Dip-In event as well. Even the Friends of Kootenay Lake offered to lend Secchi discs for local stewards to take part. Although there has been no uptake for this offer, it will stand for next year's event as well.

In year 2 of the Lake Blitz, we expect to increase participation by engaging Lake Blitz Hubs earlier, before their capacity is maxed out and more can plan to integrate the Blitz into their summer monitoring programs. We are also lookin forward to developing monitoring kits specific for the Blitz and, if possible, meet the needs of BCLSS citizen science programs.

Submitted by Georgia Peck, Program Coordinator Living Lakes Canada

Announcements and Reminders

Watersheds Canada's Freshwater Stewardship Community
This is a free online space for passionate individuals and community groups to connect, share, and learn more about protecting and enhancing their local freshwater areas. Over 700 individuals across Canada have already signed up for the monthly webinars, education resources, and networking opportunities. Join today!

River Clinic 2021
The Rivershed Society of BC is hosting River Clinic sessions from Aug 15 to Sept 12, 2021. Geared toward university students and early career conservation professionals, River Clinics offer an opportunity to explore career paths, network, and learn about Watershed CPR (Connect, Protect, Restore) from professionals working in this field. Click here for more information!

Call for Abstracts
Valuing Water: Economics, Ecology, & Culture. 41st International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society. November 15-18, 2021 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. NALMS encourages you to submit abstracts for their international symposium. Visit the symposium website,, to view the Call for Abstracts.

Webinar Series: Indigenous-led Water Relationships within the Columbia Basin POSTPONED
Living Lakes Canada is now looking at potentially hosting the event in mid-October. Once new dates are finalized, details will be made available to those who have already registered and on the Living Lakes Canada website. This webinar series has been organized to create space, time and place for a Knowledge Holder and a technician from each of the Ktunaxa, Secwépemc and Okanagan Indigenous Peoples to present on their values, how they relate to water and the future of water in the Columbia Basin. Click here to register and learn more about the series.

The Stewardship Solution to Polystyrene Foam Pollution
The Lake Windermere Ambassadors are taking action against polystyrene foam pollution at Lake Windermere. They have developed an incentive program to connect those who have harmful docks or unnatural shorelines made with unencapsulated polystyrene with some resources to rebuild in a way that is better for everyone who relies on and enjoys Lake Windermere. They are offering a rebate of 50% up to $500 for any individual who takes action to improve their shoreline or water based infrastructures. To get involved by donating or or applying for a rebate, click here

Call for Proposals
The 2022 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 14-20, 2022. The JASM Program Committee invites proposals for symposia, pre-conference workshops/professional development courses, and integrated events which support the conference theme: Rapid Changes ~ Collaborative Solutions. Visit the JASM 2022 website to learn more about the Call for Proposals. 

News and Information

Canadian Lakes Loon Survey: New Report Helps Explain Mysterious Declines

"Forever chemicals" in make-up showing up in lakes and drinking water.

Drought: Impact of Freshwater Fish, and How Anglers Can Help

Teaching citizen scientists to hunt for ‘canary in the coal mine’ in Alberta’s rivers

Connecting people to connect wildlife 

Video shows salmon injured by unlivable water temperatures after heatwave 

Water conservation is everyone's responsibility 

Good news: Some climate change impacts are 'reversible.' Here's what that means

From Delta to Hope, 85% of B.C.’s lower Fraser salmon habitat no longer accessible to declining fish populations

The controversy over the term 'citizen science'

Protecting Canada's Freshwater

‘It’s pretty dire’: Vancouver Island salmon under threat from climate change-induced droughts
Not a member of the BCLSS yet?
Please consider joining our network of lake stewards! For more information on the benefits of membership, please visit our 
Thank you to LUSH for funding the
BC Lake Stewardship Engagement Initiative
The BCLSS gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Government of British Columbia through the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.
Donate to the BCLSS 

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