Tuesday, June 7, 2022

FireSmart: There's No Place Like Home!


Thanks so much to everyone who has been rolling up their sleeves and applying the FireSmart principles in and around their yards (Zone 0-2)! It’s time to move to the edges of our yards and into our community (Zone 3: 30 – 100m). Things to think about in Zone 3 are much the same as in Zone 2, it is about removing low hanging branches within 2m of the ground, spacing trees 3m apart and removing smaller coniferous trees that could act as a ladder up to the branches of larger trees. Remember to consider the health of trees in this process and removing diseased trees over healthy ones! It is also important to consider our neighbourhood and the steps we can take to ensure that our street addresses are clearly marked and that we clear vegetation from access routes! 

Note: Want a deeper dive into these tips? Download the FireSmart Begins at Home Manual.  This manual outlines the steps you can take at home to reduce the potential impacts of wildfire.

There’s Something’s Happening Here! 

You may have noticed some work happening in and around Lac Le Jeune. In addition to what’s happening at the resort, BC Parks is working on the Parks side of the Gus Johnson trail and the Ministry of Forests has plans to undertake fuel reduction efforts. Julie Maxwell, Registered Professional Forester (RPF) and the Land and Resource Coordinator with the Ministry of Forests, joined the Lac Le Jeune FireSmart Committee (LLJFSC) meeting in April to share plans for fuel reduction. The map below outlines about 30 hectares of Crown Land around Walloper Lake that is scheduled for spacing and fuel reduction this year and further areas that will have treatment in 2023. 

To support community efforts, the LLJFSC is working with regional and provincial partners to help mitigate the risks in our community! Locally, the Committee has a few additional things underway: 
  • We now have 3 trained FireSmart Representatives who will be able to help homeowners identify priorities for managing wildfire fuels on their property. We are planning a series of pilot assessments in June. Watch these updates for how to access this service! 
  • We are working on accessing a chipper to help homeowners remove excess brush from properties.
  • We are putting together a list of fire suppression equipment and pricing to assist in planning for and accessing necessary equipment and supplies.
  • We have representatives from each neighbourhood in the LLJ area - except Walloper Lake and the little lake: 
    • LLJ Subdivision: Clay Govett & Dean Redknap 
    • Lookout Road: Jim Phillips and Bill Miller 
    • Rainbow Drive/Water Street: Brian Gordon 
    • LLJ Road East: Glenn Sparrow, Brad Smith 
    • Cowan Pond: Chris Murray 
  • Stay tuned for an upcoming Lac Le Jeune FireSmart Community meeting – date, time and location to be announced soon! We hope you will join us and learn more about how you can take action to keep your home and our community safe! 

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