Friday, September 30, 2022

Area J Voting Locations

The TNRD General Local Elections will take place on Saturday, October, 15, 2022.  Polling stations have been finalised. Here are the Area "J" voting locations. 

8:00am - 8:00pm - Tobiano Presentation Centre, 38 Rue Cheval Noir;

8:00am - 8:00pm - Savona Seniors Centre, 6605 Savona Access Road;

8:00am - 8:00pm - TNRD Civic Building, 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops 

8:00am-10:00amam -Hampton Residence, 9772 Meadow Rd, Tranquille Valley;

8:00-11:00am - Burns Residence, 3737 Ridgemont Drive, Lac Le Jeune

12:30-7:00pm Hansen Residence, 5244 Beaton Road, Cherry Creek

Reminder to attend the Meet the Candidates Night at 7pm, October 4th at the Savona Community Hall!

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