Enjoy this video of the wildlife in our region!
Totally Natural Regional DistrictKISS.mp4 from Frank Ritcey on Vimeo.
What can you expect to find on this site? Anything related to life in our community -- events, celebrations, wildlife alerts, stories, photos, conservation news...
Enjoy this video of the wildlife in our region!
Totally Natural Regional DistrictKISS.mp4 from Frank Ritcey on Vimeo.
From RCMP Newsroom
Have you seen Jacqueline McDermott?
2022-10-03 13:52 PDT
File # 2022-4720
On Saturday, October 1, 2022, Merritt RCMP received a missing person report. Jacqueline McDermott was reported missing by family as she has not been seen, or heard from since Thursday, September 29, 2022.
Police have learned that on September 30, 2022 Jacqueline had planned to attend a yoga retreat near Merritt but left after a short time. Her vehicle, which appears to have broken down, was located on highway 97 C between Merritt and Logan Lake and local community members recall seeing Jacqueline around her vehicle.
An extensive search on land and in air was conducted by RCMP Air Services, Police Dog Services and Search & Rescue, and no sign of Jacqueline has been found.
Jacqueline McDermott is described as:
If you see Jacqueline, or know where she may be, contact the Merritt RCMP at (250) 378-4262.
The TNRD General Local Elections will take place on Saturday, October, 15, 2022. Polling stations have been finalised. Here are the Area "J" voting locations.
8:00am - 8:00pm - Tobiano Presentation Centre, 38 Rue Cheval Noir;
8:00am - 8:00pm - Savona Seniors Centre, 6605 Savona Access Road;
8:00am - 8:00pm - TNRD Civic Building, 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops
8:00am-10:00amam -Hampton Residence, 9772 Meadow Rd, Tranquille Valley;
8:00-11:00am - Burns Residence, 3737 Ridgemont Drive, Lac Le Jeune
12:30-7:00pm Hansen Residence, 5244 Beaton Road, Cherry Creek
Reminder to attend the Meet the Candidates Night at 7pm, October 4th at the Savona Community Hall!
Meet the Candidates for TNRD Director Area "J"
Savona Community Hall
October 4th @ 7pm
Make an informed decision at the upcoming election!
From: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 09:00 AM (estimated)
To: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 03:00 PM (estimated)
Reason: Equipment Maintenance
Before the outage begins, turn off electric heaters, major appliances and unplug sensitive electronics to protect them from damage. If you rely on electric medical equipment or access doors, have a plan to maintain use.
Planned outages allow us to safely maintain and improve our electric system, which helps reduce the frequency of unplanned outages caused by storms and equipment failures. We understand that outages are inconvenient, and we appreciate your patience.
Planned power outages may be cancelled without notice due to safety, adverse weather or emergencies. Get the latest status of your planned outage online or give us a call at 1 800 BCHYDRO (1 800 224 9376).
Thank you for understanding. We'll restore your power as soon as possible.
KAMLOOPS – Effective at 12 p.m. (noon) on Thursday, August 4, 2022, campfires, will be prohibited throughout the Kamloops Fire Centre to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. This campfire prohibition will remain in effect until noon on Oct. 15, 2022, or until the orders are rescinded.
The Kamloops Fire Centre is currently experiencing hot and dry conditions and fire danger ratings are generally “high” or “extreme” throughout the fire centre. Category 2 and Category 3 open fires and Section 12 Equipment and Activities (listed below) are already prohibited throughout the Kamloops Fire Centre.
Camping is a long-standing tradition in this province. The B.C. government recognizes that people also enjoy having campfires, so it takes any decision to implement a campfire ban very seriously.
Wildfire prevention is a shared responsibility. Human-caused wildfires are completely preventable and divert critical resources away from lightning-caused wildfires.
As of noon on Thursday, August 4, the following activities are prohibited:
To learn more about the different categories of open burning, visit the Open Burning webpage.
These prohibitions apply to all public and private land within the Kamloops Fire Centre jurisdiction, unless specified otherwise in an enactment (e.g. in a local government bylaw). Always check with local government authorities to see if any other burning restrictions are in effect.
Anyone found in contravention of an open burning prohibition may be issued a ticket for $1,150, required to pay an administrative penalty of up to $10,000 or, if convicted in court, fined up to $100,000 and/or sentenced to one year in jail. If the contravention causes or contributes to a wildfire, the person responsible may be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs.
The Kamloops Fire Centre would like to thank the public for its continuing help in preventing wildfires. To report a wildfire, or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell phone. For up-to-date information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, call 1 888 3-FOREST or visit: www.bcwildfire.ca
People can follow the latest wildfire news:
Fire Information Officer
BC Wildfire Service
Kamloops Fire Centre
250 554-5965
Connect with the Province of B.C. at www.gov.bc.ca/connect.
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"Save the Date" CC-BY 2.0 by wuestenigel |
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Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash |
Thanks so much to everyone who has been rolling up their sleeves and applying the FireSmart principles in and around their yards (Zone 0-2)! It’s time to move to the edges of our yards and into our community (Zone 3: 30 – 100m). Things to think about in Zone 3 are much the same as in Zone 2, it is about removing low hanging branches within 2m of the ground, spacing trees 3m apart and removing smaller coniferous trees that could act as a ladder up to the branches of larger trees. Remember to consider the health of trees in this process and removing diseased trees over healthy ones! It is also important to consider our neighbourhood and the steps we can take to ensure that our street addresses are clearly marked and that we clear vegetation from access routes!
Note: Want a deeper dive into these tips? Download the FireSmart Begins at Home Manual. This manual outlines the steps you can take at home to reduce the potential impacts of wildfire.
There’s Something’s Happening Here!
The Lac Le Jeune FireSmart Committee is looking for a representative from Walloper Lake to join community FireSmart efforts! Please contact Bruce Mitchell (brucej53@telus.net) or Colleen Kennedy (colleenkennedy.apple@icloud.com) to learn more!
In the last post, we explored FireSmart Zones 0 and 1. So...you've got the area immediately around your house cleaned up and the yard closest to your house is golden, now is the time to move a little further out in your yard to the 10-30m area (or Zone 2 in FireSmart)!
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"Toolbox" https://flic.kr/p/c4QJzC |
Preferably someone who lives at Lac Le Jeune or the surrounding area.
If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Brian @ 604 841-9572.
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"We are hiring" by focusonmore.com |
The log cabins on Cowan Pond (formerly Woody Life Resort) are now under new ownership and doing vacation rentals. We are looking for a supervisor to assist in managing 22 – 30 cabins. We are also looking for someone to do minor repairs and painting for both cabins and our amenity building.
For more information, please contact Mona Murray – mona@mcmrealestate.ca or phone 250-319-0813.
Are you looking for an excuse to get out on the lake? If so, we hope you will join us and volunteer for the Lac Le Jeune Lake Monitoring Program. This initiative helps measure the health of our two lakes by lowering a probe into the lake to capture information like temperature and dissolved oxygen!
The old adage rings true - many hands make light work! So, with just a few more community volunteers, the time commitment of each person will be less than 2-3 hours per year! The good news is that the fabulous Hugh Burton is planning a brief orientation session in the coming weeks (date and times to be finalized) and he will teach you everything you hoped to learn and more!
If you are interested in joining us, please e-mail colleenkennedy.apple@icloud.com with your phone number and preferred e-mail address and we will notify you when the orientation is happening!
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For those with kiddies at home, the TNRD library has partnered with FireSmart for their April colouring contest for kids 12 and under! The contest features Ember, the FireSmart BC mascot! You can pick up colouring sheets at your local branch and enter for a chance to win an Ember plush toy by showing a completed colouring page to staff at the library desk.
At a community level, we are working to reduce the risk of wildfires, but did you know that FireSmart offers helpful steps that you can take right in your own back yard? As we are all itching to get outdoors this time of year, we thought there was no better time to walk you through each of the four FireSmart zones (Fig.1).
Over the coming weeks, we will be sharing simple steps in each of the zones to help reduce your wildfire risk. This week we’re starting with the non-combustible zone - this is the area 0 – 1.5 m from your home. Why worry about this zone? Well, those embers falling from the sky might seem small, but did you know that 50% of home fires caused by wildfires start with sparks and embers? Regular work around your home (e.g., cleaning up wood debris, leaves and other flammable items) can make all the difference! FireSmart invites you to consider things like your roof, chimney, gutters, eaves & vents, siding, windows, doors, decks and fences/outbuildings and offers some simple, low-cost steps you can take to reduce your risk (Fig. 2 below)!
Well, that should keep you busy for a few weeks! Stay tuned for more tips from FireSmart.
Don’t want to wait until our next tip? Check out the FireSmart site and download the FireSmart Begins at Home Manual (PDF) and get all the juicy details yourself! The manual outlines the steps you can take at home to reduce the risk of wildfire and even offers a FireSmart home assessment.
Province of British Columbia Fuel Management Demo CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 |
The Lac Le Jeune area now has a FireSmart Committee with 11 members who represent all areas of our community. This should assist us in accessing government funding and assistance to prepare for any future wildfire events in our area. The Committee includes Bill Miller, Colleen Kennedy, Brian Gordon, Glen Sparrow, Clay Govett, Jim Philips, Rod Faust, Scott Alan, Bruce Mitchell, Chris Murray, and Brad Smith. Tim Cole, a LLJ resident who is also a Professional Forester, has agreed to participate in an advisory role.
So far we have had two organizational meetings and we have gathered important information to get us started toward being a FireSmart community. Activities completed or initiated so far include:
The FireSmart committee are now looking for a Forestry Professional who can assist us in developing a FireSmart Community Action Plan that will guide us toward becoming a designated FireSmart community. The Forester will survey our entire community and assist us in getting maximum protections with focused fuel management activities and astute equipment acquisitions.
Please watch the Lac Le Jeune Community blog, the Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association Facebook page, and the neighbourhood bulletin board (by the mailboxes) for more FireSmart suggestions. If you would like more information on FireSmart, check out www.firesmartcanada.ca. If you would like to assist with future projects, or have expertise to share with our Committee, please contact Bruce Mitchell at brucej53@telus.net or call me at 778-257-0855.
FireSmart practices, along with forest management, are key to reducing the threat of wildfire. Logan Lake is considered a model of how adopting a FireSmart plan should be done. The collective and individual efforts made by Logan Lake residents helped save the town.
We are taking action and invite you to join us! The newly formed Lac Le Jeune FireSmart Committee is looking for action-oriented individuals to assist in developing and implementing plans to help our community prepare for the future.
Current memberships includes:
To join us, please contact Bruce Mitchell (brucej53@telus.net).
Image: Wildfire by Laymik from NounProject.com