Sunday, September 12, 2021

Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association Annual Dues

Photo by Mark Olsen on Unsplash

During COVID -19 the Lac Le Jeune Conservation Association was unable to hold an in-person annual general meeting. We are excited to be able to gather together again on September 26th at 10:00 in the Provincial Park. Put that date in the calendar!

Two very enthusiastic and responsible young members of the community will be collecting annual dues at the AGM. New members can help make this job easier by first printing and completing the membership form. Bring it along with the $10 fee to the meeting, pop it in the mail (address on the form), or connect with your area representative

That's right! Only $10 per household! 

All Lac Le Jeune residents are encouraged to join the Conservation Association. In addition to attending to important conservation issues and ensuring that all voices are represented, the Association is the point of contact for emergency preparedness, social events, RCMP liaison, and Citizens on Patrol.  

Returning members only need to complete the membership form if there are any changes to your contact information. 

Please help spread the word about the AGM!

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